Smartsheet Review: A Dynamic Solution Empowering Teams to Excel - Work Management (2024)

In the vast landscape of work management tools, Smartsheet stands out as a versatile and powerful solution. Designed to streamline project management, task collaboration, and workflow automation, Smartsheet has become a staple for teams aiming to enhance their productivity and efficiency. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the various facets of Smartsheet, assessing its strengths, weaknesses, and core features to provide you with a nuanced understanding of this popular work management software.

Pros and Cons

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Flexible Project Management
  • Collaborative Features
  • Customization Capabilities
  • Real-Time Updates


  • Challenging Learning Curve
  • Limited Advanced Features
  • Mobile App Limitations
  • Dependency on Connectivity


  • Flexible Project Management: Smartsheet offers a flexible approach to project management, accommodating various methodologies such as Agile, Waterfall, and Hybrid. This adaptability ensures that teams can tailor their workflows to suit specific project requirements.
  • Collaborative Features: One of Smartsheet’s standout features is its robust set of collaborative tools. With real-time editing, commenting, and file sharing, teams can seamlessly collaborate within the platform, fostering communication and teamwork.
  • Customization Capabilities: Smartsheet empowers users with extensive customization options. From creating personalized dashboards to configuring automated workflows, the platform allows teams to tailor their experience to match the unique needs of their projects.
  • Real-Time Updates: Keeping everyone on the same page is crucial in project management, and Smartsheet excels in providing real-time updates. This feature ensures that all team members have access to the latest information, fostering transparency and reducing the risk of miscommunication.


  • Learning Curve: While Smartsheet offers a wealth of features, its learning curve may pose a challenge for new users. Some may find it takes time to fully grasp the platform’s capabilities and set up complex workflows.
  • Limited Advanced Features: For teams with advanced project management needs, Smartsheet may fall short in comparison to more specialized tools. Certain advanced features that are standard in dedicated project management platforms might be limited in Smartsheet.
  • Mobile App Limitations: While Smartsheet does provide a mobile application, some users have reported limitations in functionality compared to the desktop version. This can be a consideration for teams that heavily rely on mobile access.
  • Dependency on Connectivity: Smartsheet’s effectiveness relies on a stable internet connection. Users in areas with unreliable connectivity may experience disruptions in accessing and updating their project data.
Smartsheet Review: A Dynamic Solution Empowering Teams to Excel - Work Management (1)

Software specification

Smartsheet’s Core Features

  • Task Management:

    • Task Dependencies: Smartsheet allows for the creation of task dependencies, ensuring that the completion of one task triggers the start or finish of another. This feature enhances project planning and keeps workflows synchronized.
    • Task Attachments: Users can attach files directly to tasks, providing context and necessary resources. This streamlines communication and ensures all relevant information is centralized within the task.
  • Gantt Charts:

    • Interactive Gantt Charts: Smartsheet’s Gantt charts are interactive and dynamic. Users can drag and drop tasks to adjust timelines, offering a visual and flexible way to adapt to changing project needs.
    • Critical Path Analysis: Identify the critical path in your project, enabling teams to focus on tasks that directly impact project timelines. This feature is invaluable for avoiding delays and optimizing project schedules.
  • Collaboration Tools:

    • Discussion Threads: In addition to comments, Smartsheet provides discussion threads at both the sheet and individual task levels. This facilitates in-depth conversations, allowing teams to discuss project details comprehensively.
    • Automated Notifications: Users can set up automated notifications for task updates, changes, or approaching deadlines. This ensures that team members stay informed and can respond promptly to relevant developments.
  • Automation:

    • Workflow Automation: Smartsheet’s automation capabilities extend to workflow processes. Users can automate repetitive tasks, such as sending status updates, requesting approvals, or triggering actions based on predefined conditions.
    • Forms Integration: Create customized forms within Smartsheet to collect data from external stakeholders or team members. The integration of forms streamlines data input, reducing manual errors and enhancing data accuracy.
  • Resource Management:

    • Resource Allocation: Smartsheet facilitates efficient resource allocation through resource views and reports. This feature ensures that teams can optimize resource usage, preventing overloads or underutilization.
    • Team Capacity Planning: Plan and manage team capacity effectively by visualizing workload across team members. This helps in balancing workloads and avoiding burnout.
  • Reporting and Dashboards:

    • Dynamic Reports: Generate dynamic reports that offer real-time insights into project progress, task completion, and team performance. Customizable reports empower users to extract the precise information they need.
    • Dashboard Widgets: Smartsheet’s dashboards support a variety of widgets, including charts, metrics, and project timelines. This allows teams to create comprehensive, visually appealing dashboards tailored to their specific needs.
  • File Management:

    • File Attachments: Beyond task attachments, Smartsheet provides a centralized file management system. Users can attach files directly to the sheet, making it a repository for all project-related documents.
    • Version Control: Maintain version control effortlessly by tracking changes and revisions to files within Smartsheet. This ensures teams always access the latest and most relevant documents.
  • Mobile Accessibility:

    • Mobile App Functionality: While there may be limitations, Smartsheet’s mobile app offers essential functionalities, allowing users to stay connected, view project updates, and make quick edits on the go. This is particularly valuable for teams with members frequently working from mobile devices.

These detailed core features showcase the depth and versatility of Smartsheet, making it a robust choice for teams seeking comprehensive work management capabilities. Whether it’s intricate project planning, seamless collaboration, or efficient resource allocation, Smartsheet excels in providing a holistic solution for diverse work management needs.

Smartsheet Review: A Dynamic Solution Empowering Teams to Excel - Work Management (2)

User Experience

User Interface and Experience

User Interface

Smartsheet presents users with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that balances functionality with simplicity. The dashboard provides a clean overview of sheets, projects, and tasks, allowing users to navigate seamlessly between different elements of their work. The layout is designed for clarity, with customizable views that cater to individual preferences. The ribbon-style toolbar offers quick access to essential features, enhancing the overall accessibility of the platform.

User Experience

The user experience within Smartsheet is marked by its focus on collaboration and real-time updates. The platform’s responsiveness ensures that changes made by one user are instantly reflected for others, fostering a dynamic and interactive environment. Collaborative features, such as comments and discussions, contribute to a cohesive user experience where communication flows seamlessly within the platform. Users can easily switch between grid, card, Gantt, and calendar views, adapting the interface to match their preferred working style.

Mobile Accessibility

While the mobile app might have some limitations compared to the desktop version, it provides a functional and convenient extension of the Smartsheet experience. The mobile app allows users to stay connected to their projects, receive notifications, and make quick updates on the go. The responsive design ensures that key functionalities are accessible even on smaller screens, catering to the needs of users who are frequently on the move.

Smartsheet Review: A Dynamic Solution Empowering Teams to Excel - Work Management (3)

Integrations and Compatibility

How Smartsheet Integrates with Other Software

Integrations and Compatibility

Integration Ecosystem

Smartsheet positions itself as a collaborative hub by offering a wide range of integrations with popular tools and platforms. Seamless integrations with third-party apps, including communication tools like Slack, and file storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox, enhance the overall utility of Smartsheet. This ecosystem enables users to centralize their work without disrupting established workflows, fostering a more connected and efficient work environment.

Compatibility with Business Tools

Smartsheet’s compatibility extends beyond simple integrations, encompassing a broad spectrum of business tools. The platform is designed to work cohesively with CRM systems, customer support platforms, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. This adaptability ensures that Smartsheet can seamlessly fit into existing business infrastructures, making it a versatile choice for organizations with diverse toolsets.

API and Custom Integrations

For businesses with specific integration requirements, Smartsheet provides a robust API that allows for custom integrations. This opens up opportunities for organizations to tailor Smartsheet to their unique needs, integrating it seamlessly with proprietary tools or systems. The API documentation and developer resources empower businesses to create a fully customized and integrated work management solution.

In the ever-expanding landscape of work management software, Smartsheet distinguishes itself through a unique combination of features. Let’s delve into a comparative analysis with four notable competitors in the field:

  1. Smartsheet vs. Asana:

    • Project Management Focus:

      • Smartsheet: Excels in providing a comprehensive solution with a strong emphasis on project planning, task management, and dynamic Gantt charts.
      • Asana (full review): Known for its user-friendly interface and task-centric approach, particularly favored by teams focusing on project collaboration and task tracking.
    • Collaboration Capabilities:

      • Smartsheet: Offers robust collaboration features, with real-time updates and discussion threads, ideal for teams requiring extensive communication within the platform.
      • Asana: Specializes in fostering collaboration through task comments, project conversations, and integrations with communication tools like Slack.
    • Workflow Automation:

      • Smartsheet: Boasts advanced workflow automation, allowing users to streamline repetitive tasks and optimize project processes.
      • Asana: Offers automation features, but may be considered more lightweight compared to Smartsheet in terms of workflow customization.
  2. Smartsheet vs. Trello:

    • Visual Project Management:

      • Smartsheet: Stands out with its dynamic Gantt charts and visual project planning capabilities, making it suitable for teams with complex project timelines.
      • Trello (full review): Known for its Kanban-style boards, providing a visual and intuitive way to manage tasks, ideal for teams with a focus on simplicity and flexibility.
    • Task Management Styles:

      • Smartsheet: Adaptable to various task management styles, including structured project planning and collaborative task tracking.
      • Trello: Best suited for teams embracing a more fluid and visual approach to task management, particularly those favoring Agile methodologies.
    • Integration Flexibility:

      • Smartsheet: Offers extensive integrations, providing compatibility with a wide range of tools and platforms.
      • Trello: Known for its simplicity and ease of use but may have fewer integrations compared to Smartsheet.
  3. Smartsheet vs. Microsoft Project:

    • Project Complexity:

      • Smartsheet: Strikes a balance between complexity and accessibility, making it suitable for a broad range of projects, from simple task tracking to more complex project management.
      • Microsoft Project: Traditionally known for handling complex projects, offering advanced project planning and resource management functionalities.
    • Collaboration and Accessibility:

      • Smartsheet: Prioritizes collaboration with real-time updates and discussion threads, suitable for teams valuing collaboration alongside project management.
      • Microsoft Project: Historically focused more on individual project planning, with collaboration features evolving in recent versions.
    • Cost Considerations:

      • Smartsheet: Offers a subscription-based pricing model, providing flexibility for teams of varying sizes and needs.
      • Microsoft Project: Part of the Microsoft 365 suite, which may be more cost-effective for organizations already utilizing Microsoft’s ecosystem.
  4. Smartsheet vs.

    • Visual Workflows:

      • Smartsheet: Stands out with its Gantt charts and customizable views, offering visual representations of project timelines.
      • (full review): Known for its colorful and visual interface, providing teams with a dynamic and engaging way to manage projects.
    • Customization Levels:

      • Smartsheet: Offers extensive customization, from automated workflows to personalized dashboards, catering to the diverse needs of different teams.
      • Emphasizes flexibility with customizable boards and a range of templates, allowing teams to adapt the platform to their unique workflows.
    • Workflow Automation:

      • Smartsheet: Features advanced workflow automation capabilities, enabling teams to automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes.
      • Also provides automation features, allowing users to create custom automations, but the depth may differ based on specific use cases.

Read more about the top 10 project management software


Task Management










Ease of Use




















Mobile App

Team Collaboration

Workflow Automation


Free vs Paid

Understanding the pricing structure of work management software is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Let’s delve into the pricing model of Smartsheet to help teams make informed decisions.

Subscription Tiers: Smartsheet operates on a subscription-based pricing model, offering different tiers to accommodate various user needs. Each tier comes with its own set of features and capabilities, making it essential for teams to assess their requirements to choose the most suitable plan.

  1. Individual Plan:
    • Tailored for solo users or small teams.
    • Provides essential project management features.
    • Ideal for freelancers or those managing personal projects.
  2. Business Plan:
    • Geared towards small to medium-sized businesses.
    • Offers advanced collaboration and reporting features.
    • Suitable for teams looking for robust project management capabilities.
  3. Enterprise Plan:
    • Catered to larger organizations with complex project management needs.
    • Includes premium features such as advanced automation and enhanced security.
    • Suitable for enterprises requiring scalability and customization.

What can you find in the paid version?

  • Unlimited sheets, viewers, dashboard and reports
  • More storage
  • Advanced integrations
  • Email support
  • Forms

Feature Variations:

Smartsheet’s pricing tiers are designed to provide a progressive set of features, allowing users to scale their subscription based on the complexity and size of their projects. As users move up the tiers, they gain access to advanced functionalities such as resource management, automation, and enhanced reporting.

User Licensing:

Smartsheet typically charges on a per-user basis. This means that the cost of the subscription is influenced by the number of users who require access to the platform. Teams should carefully assess the number of licenses needed to ensure they are neither underutilizing nor overspending on the software.

Free Trial and Demo:

Before committing to a subscription, Smartsheet offers a free trial period. This allows users to explore the platform’s features and assess its suitability for their specific needs. Additionally, the availability of product demos provides an opportunity for teams to get hands-on experience and make more informed decisions.

Considerations for Cost-Effectiveness:

While Smartsheet’s pricing is competitive and flexible, teams should consider the overall cost-effectiveness based on their specific requirements. Assessing the value derived from advanced features in higher-tier plans against the budget is crucial to making an informed choice.


Smartsheet’s pricing model is designed to scale with the growth of an organization. The ability to seamlessly upgrade from one plan to another ensures that teams can align their investment with the evolving needs and scale of their projects.

Support and Training:

Included in the pricing structure is access to support resources and training materials. Smartsheet provides a range of resources, including webinars, documentation, and customer support, ensuring that users can make the most of the platform’s features and functionalities.

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Security and Compliance

What about security?

  • Data at rest is encrypted using AES-256 encryption
  • Customizable user roles and permissions
  • SSO integration and MFA support
  • Detailed logs for user activities
  • ISO 27001 and SOC 2 certified
  • Encryption-at-rest for stored data

Data Encryption

Smartsheet employs robust data encryption protocols to safeguard information during transmission and storage. This includes the use of SSL/TLS encryption for data in transit and encryption-at-rest mechanisms, ensuring that sensitive data remains confidential and secure.

Access Controls and Permissions

Granular access controls are a cornerstone of Smartsheet’s security framework. The platform allows administrators to define and customize user roles and permissions, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to specific data and functionalities. This helps organizations maintain a strict control environment, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

Authentication Methods

Smartsheet offers multiple authentication methods to enhance user verification and prevent unauthorized access. This includes options for single sign-on (SSO) integration, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and secure login processes. These measures contribute to a robust defense against potential security breaches.

Audit Trails

To support accountability and compliance, Smartsheet provides detailed audit trails that track user activities within the platform. Organizations can review these logs to monitor changes, track project history, and identify any anomalies, ensuring transparency and accountability in project management.

Compliance Certifications

Smartsheet understands the importance of meeting industry-specific compliance standards. As part of its commitment to security, the platform undergoes regular assessments and holds certifications for various compliance standards. These may include ISO 27001 for information security management and SOC 2 for security, availability, and confidentiality.

Data Residency and Sovereignty

For organizations with specific data residency requirements, Smartsheet offers the option to select data storage locations. This ensures compliance with regional regulations and provides organizations with control over where their data is stored, adding an extra layer of assurance for international users.

Secure Collaboration

In a collaborative work environment, ensuring secure communication and collaboration is vital. Smartsheet employs secure collaboration features, including encrypted file sharing and communication tools, enabling teams to work together without compromising data integrity.

Continual Security Updates

To stay ahead of evolving cybersecurity threats, Smartsheet regularly updates its security protocols. This commitment to ongoing security enhancements ensures that users benefit from the latest advancements in cybersecurity measures, providing a proactive defense against emerging risks.

User Education and Awareness

In addition to technological safeguards, Smartsheet places importance on user education and awareness. The platform provides resources and guidelines to help users understand security best practices, fostering a culture of cybersecurity consciousness within organizations.

The Genesis of Smartsheet

The Company and Product Evolution

The Company and Product Evolution

Understanding the trajectory of a company and the evolution of its product is vital for users making long-term commitments to work management software. In this section, we’ll explore the journey of Smartsheet as a company and how its product has evolved over time.

Company Background

Established in 2005, Smartsheet has charted an impressive trajectory in the work management software landscape. The company’s journey began with a commitment to providing innovative solutions for collaboration and project management. Since its founding, Smartsheet has grown exponentially, becoming a recognized industry leader. The company’s early years were marked by foundational developments, setting the stage for its evolution into a pivotal player in the work management software space.

Product Iterations and Updates

Smartsheet’s product evolution reflects a commitment to staying at the forefront of technology and meeting the evolving needs of users. Initial releases focused on foundational project management and collaboration features. Over the years, through iterative improvements, the platform expanded its capabilities. Notable dates in this evolution include milestone updates in 2010, 2015, and 2020, introducing advanced automation, resource management, and intricate reporting tools. These continuous enhancements showcase Smartsheet’s responsiveness to user feedback and its proactive approach to delivering a comprehensive and dynamic work management solution.

Have more questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Smartsheet, and what does it offer?

Smartsheet is a collaborative work management platform that provides tools for project planning, task management, collaboration, and automation. It empowers teams to streamline their work processes and improve overall efficiency.

Is Smartsheet suitable for small businesses, or is it more geared towards enterprises?

Smartsheet caters to a wide range of users, from individual freelancers and small teams to large enterprises. Its scalability allows it to adapt to different organizational sizes and structures.

Can Smartsheet integrate with other tools our team already uses?

Yes, Smartsheet supports a variety of integrations with popular tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, and more. This ensures a seamless workflow for teams already using specific software.

How does Smartsheet handle security, and what measures are in place to protect our data?

Smartsheet employs robust security measures, including SSL/TLS encryption, access controls, audit trails, and compliance certifications (e.g., ISO 27001 and SOC 2) to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.

Can Smartsheet be used for agile project management methodologies?

Yes, Smartsheet supports agile methodologies along with other project management approaches. Its flexibility allows teams to adapt their workflows to various project management styles.

Is there a mobile app for Smartsheet, and what functionalities does it offer on mobile devices?

Yes, Smartsheet provides a mobile app with essential functionalities. Users can access project updates, collaborate, and make quick edits on the go, though some features may have limitations compared to the desktop version.

How does Smartsheet handle user permissions and access control within the platform?

Smartsheet offers granular access controls, allowing administrators to define user roles and permissions. This ensures that only authorized users have access to specific data and functionalities.

What kind of support does Smartsheet provide, and are there resources for user training?

Smartsheet offers various support resources, including documentation, webinars, and customer support. Additionally, there are training materials to help users understand and maximize the platform’s features.

Can Smartsheet automate repetitive tasks, and how customizable are these automation features?

Yes, Smartsheet provides automation features that allow users to automate repetitive tasks. The platform’s automation capabilities are highly customizable, enabling users to tailor workflows to their specific needs.

How does Smartsheet handle updates and new features, and how often are they rolled out?

Smartsheet regularly updates its platform with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The frequency of updates may vary, but the company strives to incorporate user feedback and industry trends in a timely manner.

Smartsheet Review: A Dynamic Solution Empowering Teams to Excel - Work Management (9)

Smartsheet Review: A Dynamic Solution Empowering Teams to Excel

  • 1Pros and Cons
  • 2Software specification
  • 3User Experience
  • 4Integrations and Compatibility
  • 5Compare with Others
  • 6Pricing
  • 7Security and Compliance
  • 8The Genesis of Smartsheet
  • 9Have more questions?
Smartsheet Review: A Dynamic Solution Empowering Teams to Excel - Work Management (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.