THE LINCOLN STAR SATIRDAY. Al'Gl'ST IJ. 1S41 Help Wanted Men Buslnw Offict Equipment 42 Help Wanted Women 48 'Help Wanted Women 48 Help Wanted Men Help Wanted-Men 501 ihtUAHLi' bti aaiilaU. afa IT la A-pi, SO Essential Work OOOD oar hi. kamir.i a irada thai villi glva amplcrosanl altar th aar.
iitn tnca padded lur lira arvica tn eonrr. linn with our Tnl-Oirrla rn ai ping pro- gram APP' mehl i.r dav P. R. CHEVALIER CO Tra Kaiiabia Svrvira and 1 Extractor Man B.iiM m-lianr lJf airprig nor Inr arora in fh non Nn, (,,, i-tar B. 4 I7') aipanatica neccaaarv.
tamd nagaa atrady Rooms Sleeping 62 A1KV iMlrtaim trie I' a a. baau lux $2fi 4 AN tiin. tr A I mum Kalh tm- fui ard Aduita Car Kalr. i.ier. i.waaant infiarii.rinaa
crmlc i ul V.atl-n 3 T7T L. lli.tcl lTlh ar.4 Larga. mi ritunia Kaonat.a U-Ki'lNiV tiurn U't ufllrar and llf atm a.trhrn l'riica localtwn Al.i. I'risa' flitrama ml t.atl. larfr lrr.
hg ai irti rar i Huna Irani Rooms, Houaekeeping B3 141e -liart una and klldicMl it -Out tftcint iiN Ursr rwm uti.ilira (ri(li! prvirrrra It" nm 2 144 flpartmenta Furnished 65 r-4s ra Kiurfcrm N'l 1W ai'a -niiCiia rtnMr IrfaT'f it 'Hie 1 lui A Sa.Al.L fiiii fir 3 roim. t.ta pa-J Out i H'X 4V 1 JetiT- Kt'UMMiK I IK YiV III SrtfJ To Kcr.t It; rfl hi fta flpartmenta Untarnished 66 till HI 7-J tii.m aorainf cnup.t prrfam-d (laraga 3 iK I KlII'K and at1 $17 1" ii "T.I4 KlH'ilS, nth oar i i arc fumin arra at r.1 ti. rlt' 4 flpartments Fur. Unhir. 67 j-K'Ii'M aliir'mtnt In Ir aamr Inr na.e i fill Journal Houses For Rent 69 i Ford Van Lines, Inc Can muv your household goods tn the city and in most states In U.
B. crate, ship and stor fumltur I 1 1 "3-lOtt. SANITART LAt'NDRT CO. Fry co*ck Top aen for r.k! man aw C'rl IKiTKI. LiSCIU.V rvu.
trada part tlrr.r lo Tha Acorn I'rraa Irnrti print. 1. Grain Shovelers Warehouse Men Essential Industry Secure Post-war JoB Steady Work Good Wages Gooch Mill 6U1 and South- 0(Xlll machanir Hid and friidar man 1137 2-260 Hotel Porter Apply la prion to th Houtkepr HUTK1- CAPITAL JANITOR Mr K'etn Btuart ThfB'er Hotel Room Clerk Apply In rraon to tha manager HOTKL CAPITAL MAKK1KD man tn wi.rk on tarn. Vfar aruund kit. Separata lu uar Bui 42 Ji-urriHl Men Earn Up to $225 Month Good working conditions offered men needed to load bombs.
No Experience Needed. Karn wmle oj Learn. Paid Lunch Period and r.ifcht bonne Adequate bus from' any section of Lincoln to the Plant. Cafeteria and dormitories vn the area. Ve Also Need Vetbar.ical Mfethinista 4 liftifrai MrthanK5 Auto Me, Matrnai Hanitr? Railroad bectjuii 'urkeri.
Applv to Your Nearest United Stores Empcyxr.e:.t Or direct to tbe Nebraska Flant Mead, Nebr. All hirlnc m't confirm tn Wj'P planp MAN TO" DRIVE TRUCK In pvruin imlt tt Ita ur 1Aiv ANTKU-Uamad man (aim ra nalirata nouaf a lih 15 Men Wanted In tn Ct. ft W.ra yil if I'ar II Northwestern Iron Metal Co. hi si (Men Women Wonted 52 BAKTl-NDKK t.riet a aarv Ng Sulidar nura 111 nol na-aa Uraamua a. HOYS nor A airla ir euro and lountain hx alora manarrr aflar 1 atmitn a llnnia iS A UluD Attenaant liar flprrirfi Soda Fountain Help Cooks Officers Club Food Clerks III several l.iru'c'n svv J'.
nn.i Ur Api- at ai Stcres H.dg EttfKNTl AL rk. rup ht'iri. poatu ar job aTuarantiNi Wfttirri lli-V Dishwasher anted 'hr HOTKL I. IN- OIA' U1KL or boy fur lutrain. Muit ovrf 1A Owl f'iaJtrtmv lh 14.
6 -QUE BEANERY MAN and if f-r pikf. salary an 1 a purr merit ut it ie furnlshpil 4 Turn-ftith ail PRESSER MAN or to prens rtfri arl women's Knrn.rnta ar.i.i d' sitr.pie Ap- Eiy In person Mr. Wmre. Hotel Corn-usker. te'i for Oping and idlwr auhtec'a ncor.
t.r call htreta.ry of Bnanl. Hennet Nrh Women-Men Goodyear Needs You mmediately! Operations Well Adapted For Female Labor. Variety jobs for Male Labor Apply ToOv. Goodyear Tire 5r Rubber Co. 5th A MorriM (Havel-vk OR THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 1213 Hiring must conform to WMO stabilization plans Wanted By Club MEN OR WOMEN 1 dinner cook 2 fry cooks 2 soda fountain dispensers Applv Special Service Office LINCOLN ARMY AIR FIELD.
2-7311 Ext 322A Positions Wanted Women 55 CARE for baby In my home. Licensed. 2-2Mo EXPERIENCED teacher With degree. So- cial science, English. Within 26 milea Unroln.
Ben 637 Journsl. I 1 MOVING? CALL KTAK VAN Insured. Moving wardrobes Krs boxes BAH stamp wttb nty mo ring, Kre ss tlmates. Packing, ahlpptng, storaga. Wanted to Rent 71 A apartment or furniahed rnut.
To ama.i children. Hiar Hox lTua BY tw'pt, 1. Perms tieut Linruln man wants f. ri-rn tmfurnshed btuae i or 4 room ainrtm-nt 3 TflVO i BUSlNrSS uo'iiat itsuthtfr rixjrn uiiiurnisriej apt. Cioae in I CIVILIAN needs or 6 nxm 3 cuple uants 3 to i I- arr ft.rj nr ur In ne-cf Katnnion -61, aftrr 3 f*ckMSHEif or unfurmahed 3 or nmrp ledntt-ms 2-4-'2 319 No 9th f*ckNIMIKD Hparimert hou! f'r mortb of Sri'tetrl-r or longer 3-3M1.
FU KN 1 SH I) 4-rrom apartment or bouse Sept 1. ioodiar smpioya, Ml aher. 6-1012 iaoy ana son oesires mrea ruofniNVjr rhurrh. 50 Ja.MTOK a anted. 120 week And eneaia Spencer Blaak House 142a South -0 AKhlsTANT ruu.
good eaSAry sVealern Elertnc caliltni be Mr Sulhraa A'Man For warehouse work. In htnraa. l. arc ftrmantnt word. Henkle 6 Joyce Hardware Co.
mm Attention Farmers We need 10 men during your slack season. Gooch Mill i South. 3-2345 Attention iOOD lr and well eatar.Hst.H rutf now 01x11 tor mn ho la tn ooatwar ft-uurlt Globe Laundry 1 124 A MECHANI F'adjr work. liood wagfa MOWBRAY LVON CO 12tn A Qua. A Man to 50 or 4-F liiCht driver ft and miarf llanaouf mtjrh ri ir.
jc rourr. 4" ur ft 1 I Smith Baking Co 26. 1 o. Naadad lmmlutl-lr Pteady. parmnant amplormanL ApplJ Is praoo to air StlmbarL fre(j g.
Motors, ma 132S BL A MAN duh ajher. 60c Pr hour. md lor overtime. Writcra Lltctnc cmieicna. He Mr Hulllvan.
BOY OR MAN WT. RAVK a full tlma In our Alail Riiom for a buy over 16. nr man: 40 hour tr fi-dav nrrk Thia li. a aplandid oppurtunlty to Irani ona of tha ncam.aprr tra lwi Sea Mr. Graham Man Kmim foreman i THE LINCOLN STAR BUY 14 to lk yr.
old irmanent fui, or half time work Tall 121 No. 1 Helper Apply in person tn the manager HOTfcL CAPITAL- Bell Boys Apply In paraon tn tha manager HOTKL CAPITAL Bread Wrapping Machine Operator Experlenct helpful. Apply Mr Smith Baking Co. 2 A 0. Lincoln.
Neb BODY MAN Steady employment. Apply VOWRRAY-LVON. 12th Qua BOY FOR MESSENGER WORK Pull time Must be 1ft yean old Downtown-calls only. Apply Advertising Department Tha Linculn Star. BOY KOR FOUNTAIN SERVICE.
NINr.g. CALL 'AFTER 4 PM. TON 8 ICK CREAM 122 J0 ID Basem*nt Porter AND 1CK MAN Applv Manager HOTEL LINCOLN Bus Boy afuat ha over 16 rean of age. Good aalanr, mfall Apply (itn0D bultu Hotel Capital Bus Drivers Cleaners Utility Men Needed At Once Lincoln City Lines, Inc. 7101 Candy Maker HELPERS WANTED Good Starting Wage Time and bait over 40 hn.
Averaging it- IS hra Waea Ovarii ma. Opportunity for Advancement Permanent Position Russell Stover Candies 201 No gth t-rr Cushman's Need Men For teeeotlal War Work. Openlnga an A Number of Different DepartmefltA Can f'aa Cither Trained or untrained Men com to boa No 21st for Interview. Cushman Motor Works 900 No. list COPY AND MESSENGER BOY Part time work.
Hours 1 to 5 Must be 16 Downtown calla only. Apply Ad-vertiainf Lincoln Star. A DRIVtR ror tight delivery Steady position Modern Cleaner II district Managers Wanted WORTHWHILE OPPORTVNITIE8 FOR YOU. POSTAL LIFE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE CO. Write K.
E. Lott. Bute Manager. Portal Ufa a Casualty Insurance Co Pathfinder Building. Grand Island.
Neb KaKM aaooay arias acnooi aoura aeiung era gear Uneosa Knnun eomare aeaiaabka for boy 14 Apple Journal or itar Of flea Engineering Help Wanted ENGINEERING HELP FOR DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Or" LNDUB TRIAL AND FARM TRACTORS. NEED SEVERAL DESION AND EXPERI MENTAL ENGINEfrRg EXPERIENCED ON MAJOR COMPONENTS OF TRAC TORS. TRUCKS. BUSES OR B1MI-LAR AUTOMOTIVE EWUXPMENT. Ale layout and detail draftsman.
Com- pany engaged In war work with excel lent boat war opportuntttea. Employment of all appltranta will comply with tbe na. pnomy reierrai plan. For further information contact your nearest U. S.
Employment Oluce lor complete details. FRY COOK day weea. SPENCER ATE A a HOUSE. 141 a aMSe)i EXPERIENCED yard aaaa. Permanent Muat be aaia la operate power Ken aauwer.
Chaa, P. Aaanscga. A. 4-213 21 or KVfr.jand Kb.N-1 1 AAA Typewriter ticuiu, xx IJtn asrewa. Umiaks Adding Maxejinea l-IWrs WJ SELL RENT -IIICII ICS Tnnnun adding, Mawt cam re leier jiLooxi a lit III lit! T.ATt.
No I'nrllltiul typewriter 3 71.14 Apt J. 10 II rveiinge Machinery Tools 43 DELIA II uhI. anil inM iti If motor. inch 2-aheei grinder mid II Burti-f I' m. g'd roadman 1 4a27 ev 2nd (' I Wanted to Buy 44 Ail eiaaa vi wauta TUB AUCTION (ALU CO.
Ill JIH4 4-IJ41 CASH I FOR TuCR 1 JIM I CAAM Im uud oouMtku luronur FRAZIER. 1434 O. 5-4073 iNItlVH't'Al, a ants nt j't i or sftTuisrV cai 410 ga srw'tguti itr Iwfirh Hlth'.i.'. Uuit rvacutiiMff and v-t Luun jUoiur Ir.n 2 4, fmw ur VlrW rariiera pni.trr itd ptVitotrj.ptiK fjuii-rtient 4 341 UANTf-U Bi Uimnktk.n mi ''l ANTKIt-a r4 t' (tM4 WAM to t.U) rf ruf uili it 7fc i 'u) rSf i 4VH Help Wanted Women 48 Employer- Workers Ur fVatC rairuiaihma on ool anact aromaa tUaaotlal a-orhara aciajiglng ub oaad 0017 a raiaaaa (run (ormar am. ployar or UlEt Laa aaaantlal ora an mar crania Kta ai anr tlm.A Od: U.oaa riot living In tnla area during tlir i rial SO daya nrd riaaranca tnru Uia ir.ilnTm- Aarvtra Attention Women Girls Full cr part time work.
Good salary. Paramount Laundry 827 So. 27 A Silk Presser SamPtrM. Chtifrt. (p4fd Wla'fl Air eonditionnj work roca.
Kail tin. Able Cleaners no 14 A Silk Finisher Brigham Cleaners' 2246 A Girl witn drtvlrg aTpanrnea to amr la airgi gurara Klnary Tirt 14nfl Id at A Saleslady To spI hrpad and psstriei. Mrs. Smith's Bake Shop Hhnrt hour "pttsan frk Krt Mr. Hmi'h jg 4 o.
Lincoln, Nb A WA7tRK8awVniHi. 4 p. tn -midmrht Tranaportation furnlahed- LHtlt Bo hemia 3-7M1 ft Woman to Press Woolen Clothing Eipartoocad or ona arming to laarn. Whita or eolorrd. Paa AOova Avaraga.
Maguire and Fenger 170 -7l. iati'via nrff 25 veara of aga for! nuraea' cafeterlA Parmanant work, CaII dlelillan.3-2:tl. Ajax Shirt Mfg. Co. 735 St Pressers To praoa men'i ahortj Faay plaaaaul ora.
Good nourm. Pay Above Average A Young Woman For an Interesting Job in the Advertisine Department. lligti aihool or college grmduata balareeu Ihe agea of 1 and i.1 It "aea inleliiaant naraon ho can Ulk aaaily and hkea to meet pipia Patltnra and cuirtaay plua A real aeaira iu irain erv necaaaary requlrementa Advame- m.ait la haaed on your progreaa and iua to ua No aipnnc la rsnjiiriid. you learn day by day.mhila you orA Any pwmaw Bawapmpw nirmm iriii ne nrul. rersona wno rvtalfterd If thY ih aa Uui la a alightljr dlffarent poti- lion.
Thia la futurv pamianant Job with bright Apply in paraoo to Jay Beacrtat. State Journal Co. th ft DISHWASHER WANTED. Dava Waalt KlflYFAIR GRILL 1317 Colored Waitress Apply tn pe'aoo to th tnanAgat HOTKL CAPITA ASH I V. wanted Full tlma No phnna calia piaaaa.
Wag? Drug. 1TU1 1A aari- Inclon COPY AND MESSENGER GIRL Tart time work. Hour Mo p. Must be lft tow-mown rail only. Must ue huvolf- Apply advcnismi depaxtmant.
Lincoln Star. tAT or twilni work tn plant fttart at 4e. Prefers, markers, feeders, fitders Fxpenern-e oof necesaarv. Tbe fcvaata. Jaj No.
12. Cleaning Woman Stuart BldR. Boura P. VL Stuart Investment Co. 3 jiAr Bldf Devator Operator Apply tn person to the manager.
HOTEL CAPITAL. Earn Up to $200 Rer Month! Female production operators I needed Now! Ko Experienc? Necssafjr Laarn White Tou Learn Paid Lunch Period. Night Bonua. Adequate Bus transportation from ny section of Lincoln to the plant Cafeteria gad Dormttonea os the area. Apt' to your nearest United States Employment Service OiSce er direct to lb Nebraska Ordnance Plant Mead.
Neb. ekW klltaf gataal enatocag to WMC piaaa 1 Forma For Sale 7S i.i "no ai uu 1 mi.r (rt.m t. n. 1 mi urn Mkd h.ata. In I'ltixrinrfli nl rlaAra oi4 KJ an Kl J-urrial a IMP Aat of Luctla Imp I a tllW 1" A St.
Imp lot) gTMni lan.l. pr lisp Ut your land with gfl'K. 2 3.17.1 CM. A'-HKX Irr I -r'rr- Acreages For Sale 76 74 th 2 kJ 7 rHtn. saraa i Mi krl HiT) a rmi ruh Tra 1- 4 Ti 2l A rmi 1 h.
timn Kra 'T Mm 14 ACREAGE 2 Ar ft rm a (as hut, li St Kl I ON KKA1-. 1T1 n'-'tfn 1 1'- Kn aTK Hp .149 Property lor Sale 79 Dcwn-Tcwr. Apartmp.t (I. C. C.
Kimball Co. Real Estate Loans Bl CITY LOA.Nlf (S Arm uaai -4H. Lrga llt farma for a a oodaard Broa Richarda Bldg Homes For Sale 82 2421 id: nfsr, hvm firrplars. maittr upstairs 6 -ut garia 'ner fur Chicago. Srhmidt Mi 14 S-avw KKAK l-mir r- ni m-i rri cc-ttMir, riitai-ts Path, taraee.
Bi.k n-rth 2' u. A inr uiier hT. l'Afl, 3 liaa furti.T 4 A KM hounr Prr-clt list Hi. sleeping poroh, hrt a a Ooi cot 3 i room, hoi A Public Sale Tur Aug at at So. te lb street -H vt 'UM f.oie a rwm m'tlern 'mr.
all on or fi-vir, has fu.l lasrment wth riiiaS su.tat.ia fur an ajartnniii furiiate, grapr Tf i Jun town Pxation, reniai Inspect any tun and tf.f sa prjMirH to l-a of eiiiumDrnnrr a(tpf in das JiHN 1 Ft fmner NIEMANN YOUNG BERG A ttin-ers 2-V75 A Good Family Home beatmg Only $,. mhi Wiij do nm tradmi. this r-, r. dg 7m-. Burnett 3-7317 Lurl-Oen 3 J7T Attractive Duplex Examine p.
Owner will ahow Heautl-lui 2 pnHte entrance, glittering osk firs new designed archway diirs fiii hasfmrnt. garage, near loses and achooi, a4.Hi. Otto tinon P.ea' M0 14 lyy owner 4 r(im modrrn to-use, Close to bus, s.h"oL 2 4-1K4 Close to 23rd and A cood 3 bfdnn.m. liefptrj: rmirh ti'ims.
Fuii ai furmtrr gd lot and forage) 30 da Culbertson, Roe Bell, Inc. THE OLrLT FIRM IN Tilt CIT1T US Htb Keal'orn I.M Bull 3 37 L. hH IRK 3 4444 FIVE room mdrrn mruaa Insulated Redecorated. Nice kitrnen Hot watrr fur- usee rull basem*nt i.arane .1 FOR GOOD HOMES CALL OR WRITS Fred H. Koehne 2415 So 17 i -2 FOR sale by owner A room lioue.
fln- Ixhed attic, 2 lot, gas brat and every- Hung Telephone 2 -f474 KOR WALE 8n-room atucco house, on car and bus lines Near achoola and ckurchea. Full lot In Randolph district, bhotaii by appointment Call 3-3V10 FOUR bedruum borne large living fireplace, atorm windowa. Insulated. 2-41170 STEELE REAL EST 3-27M GOOD houses with eitra kite, suitable for poultry at prices ranging from II. MX) to 13.000.
PHASER COMPANY. 2-1617; F1VK rifim bungalow, excellent condition. Near school. Shown by appointment. Call 3 Owner HOLIiREllE HT BUNGALOW 6 rooms, 1 floor, gas furnace, insuiHted 12 ft.Mi.
PARDEE. Realtor 2-lltil Havelock's Best Buy Little Down Will Handle 6M1 Logan. 5 mod. on pavement, 2 Hi, five stall garage, chickenry, fenced. Examine.
Owner show. 4203 Huntington. rmi paved. II WK). Otto H.
Schmidt, Realtor. M0 N. 14. 6 H.VKV Heme Buyers Attention To eecure the hes1 buys In Lincoln call us Our sale, force offers exjierienced, courteous servics. C.
V. DIXON WALT RIXJMFIELD IMIN HARRINGTON Harrington 224 Ro 1t RKALT 'RS" Phone 2 M2I LIST your pr-ioerty with Lundy On the nh day. nlgl.t scl Sunday Wa aell em. 347 Ko 14 D-1U2 NEAR 17th and Van 'Dorn. Comfortahls 3 brdrm.
horre good location Owner Box 41 Journal O.N Jefferson Ave Very good home ar ranged lor rme family or as dup.rx. To full batha, built In features, sir conditioned, gaa heat, double sarefe, comer lot. prompt poaaesalon PIIXJF.R COMPANY, 2-1617 2 M33 PEPPER three tied" room home. Fireplace, breakfast room. Attractive kitchen Auto hot water.
Nice yard 3-4Wir QUICK possession To settle estate- 223 So. 18 A nr.s 1 baths oak finish. See any time Owner 3 (JUICE posaeaalon of this 6 room modern home, south side, close to bus line, full lot Only 13. ami 8ee this today Eve-nlngs 3 2hu nr V78C2 or days 2 34A5. We have many others.
STAR REAL ESTATE CO 133 No' 11th. SIX room all bouse. Three bedrooms, colored hath fixtures, oil best, double gitraKe Close to achoo.s and store. Nice shade Priced for quick sale Owner 3 HOUSES. Any amount down delayed Poesraaion, 125 to I sit anontb Pauley Jimher 3 217A 3 ROOM bungalow, Randolph dla'rlct.
dinmgrm. 2 bedrms hath, kitchen large enough for breakfast table. Ail one floor. Full basem*nt, garage; beautiful kit: plenty of shade. Terms If ceaired.
Fred Shelledy 2-3141 2-M70 I 2 story near agricultural col lege. 217r7 3-Mill I ROOMS southeast RandolpoT ana Mgt KhoU districts Insuiated. automatio water neater, run baaement. aaraga. good condition Owner 3-lA fRtX)M bouse oa paving and bus lines.
II 7V) 6-217 GOING IXI SELL BETTER CAl.t FXLTON PEAt. EBTATS 2-SMV-4-23V3 HAVE buyera for four equity mort- -I gaged bumes or eiear or wha nave yout. 1 1 (l Hee'lot 14 I'iH, I I 'M to buy a giyi A or a Hume J'jtirnal KEAL ealate wanted. Or or more acres. Imp.
not necessary. Prefer West St. rVix 624 Journal. Ua WILL pay cash for a or 4 rma on flour, aJvPEMIKNCKli ell finisher steady bkiyuMcC ud pay IJ And atresia Experienced Waitress 1u Ham Houa 1429 AUQIA AAM Fountain Girls or Vcrnen Good hour. Good pay.
tin. Uniform furnished. Full day off. Air conditioned. Walgreen's 1340 Fountain heij Day and N.ght nr Wafey Drug 17th and Haahlnglo Day and Nght Htp il WACKY DRUG rth and Vina i-i'ii-ii-i-.
iit-i niULL, 1 "ki flour deprtmrn Ur feuirc OxK-h Mil! A Co twuaurk. Gwa) was Girl Wanted Foi work in window decora I'f Magee's lh I.lnfnln. 1KI.X MlP. K'lVNTAIN AMi INS.T'K ffcHVIi-fc CALL AfTtP. 4 1' Kt.NTON ri ICE KEAM Hi WH'TH 111 una OK WOMAN For Cashier Work Harley ru.
1 1th and 0 GIRL FOR MESSENGER VCRK i i old Ii.n-' i u.f'd. i nt wmu.n OIKL gfbarai houarwork No cuckiba. Conaidrr arhoi.l g.rl Grocery Cashier Theme Market 13th South GIHI. for tempomrv offtc worli li'xirt tfrr-! 8tpj.enon gSupvij' 2-42H GIRLS for flat worn Muit lfl rr over. Th'a (otnc back to frioo, n'l not appi) rittff.
irtt-adT mpin mfOt Nn fxpfrienra neceiy, kiaka cronai applies. tion. Sanitary Towel 5. Laundry Co 2019 Girls To Learn to Sew Eu7 pleasant work. Good hour Good darting ra Ajax Mfg.
Co. 73S Btraat. 'ilkl. lrmancnt itffica nrk Muat fia gnl tynlut afd nava honkaaaplng a- pcrvme ntf ocfioul BUj-ply Co 2 42iiO cjRfK'KKT Clark, full lima Apply In Bcaclinrra. 1 liulh HOHTKS8 FOR JAVA ROOM Apply In prnn tn thaScianagfr LINCOLN HOTKI Highly Rated Clfsn tafr.
pleaaant. permanent work 2 KxperwtaC not neceuary. 3 Startirvf wajcea 4uc per hr. 4 Alrrondittoned to 9b degretc 6 Real periods with pay 4) ftaturdav afternoona, Bucdayf and rtnlldvi off. Several openiota.
Apply in per ton. Wen or women KttP NtAT CLEANERS LDTaV 123 Ho 23 Hotel Room Clerk Apply in parson lb the manager HOTEL CAPITAL HA Vt opening for al'k or wool flnlaher In our ladiea department Will teach you If Inexperienced. Peerleaa Clranera. 32i an II Ladies For Sales Work Harley Drug 1101 0 Lady work at earn tab la. I to 11 p.
fn No Sunday A YOSTS GATE. 132 No 11 LADY or marnad couple Lady to do aiaia wwa mumn uhw iui apartment And wagea Bot J43 JournaJ. lDY for light bouarwork and cart for Mother aroployad Excallant arag, two Journal ni tftmTii iniiiny J-S4S3. MID-DAY Employment for Home-makers will nava openitiga on our iea rtonm and Ltnicheonet Waltreaa ataffa aa tu-Qenta leave for achool. Housewtvea, ea-pecially mothers, appreciate tha etore oiacouni prinrae.
do not Interfere wltfi their noma amiea Apply before 11 after Employment. 3rd Floor MILLER PAINE Maids Wanted Apply Housekeeper HOTEL UNCOLN PBX Operator Apply paraoa to the Manager Hotel Capital Pantry Woman Straight day ahlft. dig daya a week. In kitchen with all woman cooks Good ray and meala. Uniform furnished.
Apply In peraon to the hostess HOTEL.CAPITAL. RJCSiDKNT advuanr And councilor for high tvpe young women. Fine home and aa.1-Ary. State background And experience. Bog 6o0 Joarriai.
iANnVVlCJi or gteamtablo girl Good pay Full day off Uniformg furslined. Vl-greeB Drug (Mora. I.W1 SCHOOL gtH over 1 Room, board and wares -4M SALES Ctrl tor our stationery department. Latach Rroa 1124 O. 80LDIER wife for part time arork.
Apply at Jonnnte a Coffee Sbop, 1711 Van rrn STENOGRAPHER Wltl eftortlSABd. typing Ability. vFuU or part time My office as aa any boene. lt2S Dakota. 3M20 Tap Room Waitress Must ba me IL Apply to peraua to the manager HOTEL CAPITAL Telephone Operator at aeeeaaary bot sauat kasow city ntLLOTf CAB CO tOt Na 1 S.X'RKTART wanted.
PermAnesL (10 taj begin AO Stuart PMg TYPIST tbe tons ofTM at fifa tnranne eoen parry an Uaco*kB, Muat ba at bid) acbonl graduate Regular adrancamaast aa-ured ftar Box leT ATRKSFKJs, csmka. Olshwaabers APtMv at J-ufuiBi Catkf aUx, ITU Vaa Uora. Girls I To By URGENTLY NEEDED cr omn In ATI departments steady work, new aage GLOBE LAUNDRY, 1124 Vegetable Woman Day hours Goc-d pay Ku'l dav off T'nil'irma Jurnlihad Walgreen Co. "WAITRESS WANTED CKM undaya Oaj or Unifortna for nUhdTo Taia. 1310 WAITRESS Cxirtwad Appia IL paraon Mayfair Grill 1317 O.
aitress arora from I I No Rundaya Alan want waltraaa work mLirninga Appi) tn rlf 8 CAFF. IK No 11 WAITKKAH 4 lo daya A Mut oa nvar 'i rmforma furnlafird M'ondar Bar, lTui HaITKK.SH r.iad No aiparlenra oacti aarr ran tuna Appu alra Arcnar a I Krmgt To WI HAVF. OlfTNINGa roH KEVtltAL CLERKS Apply tn P-ron. WALGREEN DRUG STORES WONiKN rtH to twite name for Otyt turre'ory PlfMir.t outiide worn No Bi 63i Wanted Vpt. l.
dr r.urn m'r mit iv-ni, Comi.ctf tt inciLidiriS NfhraKa InduitDAt Homa Milfurtl. Stb Ptinfi 4 otMMin ba 4Ua hour, wa Uftcn you. Modarn Claanora tlal and alraata WK can uaa lu ur girla fur light orK In macaroni department. Kjaantlal in-1 duatry working on armr and civilian i tuainra. T.m ar.d ror over.
40 houra. Aik for Mr. lnd. No phon cahi. fiootti bu4t I'roducu Co.
fJx A Pou'h Ht YVOUAN or girl not attrmltng nh inr lor bal'ji hume. 240 2 1781 omen For food fountain room. LvenmB shift, CnoA pay. uniforms furnished. Apply id pe-rs'tti to the bosteaa CAPITAL HOTfcL Vaitresses Apply in irarn to tha manager.
HOTKl. LINCOLN WANTtP Salesladies AND A Window Trimmer MANGELS UJS Woman for Soda Fountain. fu'l nr part tirr.a day or avening ahllt rrif'irmn furmahad PIL1.KR PHARMAry 1A! Waitresses Day and Night Grtod wagei Closed Tutsdas. Cm forraw Kumtihed IJNCOLN 8M0KE SHOP 13ii0 YOUNG lady receptionist Must be permanently kxated in Lincoln Also negative retoucher, one who can han-lif volume work Applv In person phnne Vr Hamtt Warner-arladltn Studios "14 red bc. Young Women for Telephone Operators At Hastings, Nebr.
War calls must go thru. The men in the camps around the country do a lot of long distance teleDhonine and in order to give i orvcwH corvioa. men. we neea more oijcmiois. Experience Not Necessary We will teach, you and paywou while learning.
ot Time Work With a Peace Time Future Apply personnel department Rom 219 Lincoln. Neb. The Lincoln Telephone Telegraph Company 14th sts. 2 BEAUTY OPERATORS Salary and commlaaion. Allf In peraon.
Ben Simon's Beauty Salon Heiwonted 49ft EXPERIENCED aingle man for farm Help Wanted Men SO Employere-Workera rt. is. TT i-rvT. -i' under provisions of th Wat Manpower RegulaUooa Workers cfiangtng )obai ahould Bat a refarral card flora Um a. Employment arrrtc.
cmpkryen apoa binni workara aboold taJu bp refarral card A DELIVERY boy wanted. Apply At 1010 tue etreet A Janitor PasUAnl Working Condition Attractive Wage Permanent Job Apply to Mr Coffmaa Smith Baking Co. tvni A Man 18 to 50 or 4F Te AaUver and worn tn bakery. 40 bouri weekly Smith Baking Co. Mta 4 Lincoln.
Reb. A Permanent Job Man for coflee and grocery route. Guaranteed salary and commia-sion. 5 Days a Week Cat famished and expenses paid. Lusaka territory.
Writ or awe P. Chriatenaaa Jewel Tea Inc. 1T75 fk Urd. Losarin. Neb A Registered Pharmacist Harley jgTluOLi A 6 I help In arr House.
Wnoleaala feada 10 lncoln. 1 noon WAcr.s. Bog (Hi? Journal. lEAi.ntK-MPfnmrea, avanauie rkWARP for five or six room house apanmem. J-iu OFFICER and if dir m'-drn fur- i boust or apartmerL 3 or more.
Southeast preferred. Permanent 2 2oV, PERMANENT couple want tao bedroon' furnished house Sept. 1 4-24M PEKMANEN'T IJncoln family desires 3 or 4 bedrxm fome. aoutheast Lincoln garane 3-1737 PERMANENTLY emHov.l women houae or apartment fi-aTIl PERMANENT civtlmo couple wants lurr- ishci or mooern house OIA n. iu luriiisoru iiouac, urai mail otn.
family lease for nine month a. noo tirm jTo Fterwir sinle bualneaa man Ailiireii Box Journal Transportation Executive unfurnished five or six. room bouse PrrmHncntiv u-i Cn' 2 4M" OR TWO In offir.r' aivn and hahli-a hnahnmta (ivririii want a tin bfdwm furn-sh-d or house. Call, b-W22 WANTKI) 5 room houe. automatic heat, close tn bus.
Irving school Permanently tmployed evenlniti. Sundays WANT an arartment to accommodate two! business wumen TermanfOt. Well a- i Mished Fxcellent reference Call 4-1634 4 OR room unfumisned apartment or duplex with tov and refniterator. Permanent residenL Call Mr. Vaufbn 2-7175 between 5, RM furntaht-d houae bv naw officer'? wife of Lincoln famil Best ref, WANT unfurnished room, employed lady References.
Call 125 REWARD for two bedroom modern unfiirnisbed hnu.e. Permanent civilian. 2-72U. R.wm 211 4 OR i rom furmithid apartment or duplex Two children. Civilian.
Bj rSept. 1. $40 .00 to 00. hd! 13. Civilians Rrfereuces Call HCTeaqeS aTTJlS Ox MUX it FOR RENT -440 acre improved farm an miles north of Lincoln 38 arrea adjulnmg Weat Lincoln Improved with electricity.
320 acrea Improved 11 miles aouthwest of Lincoln or two miles west of Rokeny Imirovi-d 120 Acres nine miles east of Crete. Improved 120 two miles weat of Adams Gaee Co. Improved half section four miles north of Fairmont. Fillmore Co appx. half pasture and half Blue river bottom cropland.
Improved 320 acres four miles aoutheast of Toblaa In Saline Co. Improved 10 acres two miles aoutheast of Friend. Saline Co. LAURENCERULLER, Crete. Neb.
iwi lie larm near cayinuno, on lari, Estate Investment Cor 112 First Nat'l, Bank Bldg 2-1114 200 ACRES near Walton G-od five mnrn house, fine barn. I'niversity of Nebraska laying bouse, machine sbed. elc. place for a food tenant who ts well equipped and capable. 8tar Bq IT 03 Pcrxrns For Sale 75 FOR GOOD FARM8 CALL Fred H.
Koehne, 3-2289 For highly productive Cairn MARK PACE WOODS 132 So 13th. Lincoln GOODTlsHnga id farm lands as investment or, borne. Successfully KtAtrterjced In fflrm manarement A appraisals 1407 I01IN HEDGES Realtor S-2340 IMPROVED highly productive farma 120 arrea, I6A per acre An acres. IHiQ per acre, hv owner. 3 1830 week daa.
203 Sec. Mutual Land Is Selling We Are Selling It" CHRISTIAN A LENEER LAND CO 20 Fed RecBldg Lincoln. Ncb OTOE County. 'l0A. i Miles NF.
FlrlF, 145 A. Bal pasture Good hides Johnson County 1Ai A. 1 miie north of Bt Msrv. Fine hlngs fine wjter supply Priced to Ideal chickens and tur keys. ISO A.
3H south of Burr. Good Imp. Some bottom land on gravel. Might consider Boone coun'v In exchange Gage county. 140 A.
10 ml. north Beatrice on Hy. No. 77. Lights, good bldgs.
a real home close to church and school. Lanraater county. 6AO A Weil balanced! stock and grain farm. Modern Imp. 7 ml n.
UL I r.r.m on Have several men who want to trade their Bhat you hava jj i TTrT OTTtST n. M. nULcLn 1 3-Annt 1227 So Ft. Ijnmln. Neb FARM MANAGEMENT COMPANY Splendid Square Section.
In Dawson County. A miles from hlehwav 30 land biva level to eenllv I i I 1 MErHANirChevrolet fleet. No tlra work. The tvani. 333 No.
12. MAN for driving pickup and wrapping parkagea. 48 or more houra, time and a half over 40 houra. Sec Mr. 724 O.
Stephenson School Hupply Co. MEN or boya. i Full or part lima for defioaa work. North-waatern Iron Metal o0 T. clerk wanted Apply at Grand Hotel.
12th and Que at Night Elevator Man And Bellman Apply In peraon to tht Manager Hotel Capital MEN, Fireman Brakemen Switchmen Car Helpers Machinists and Boilermaker Helpers Signal Helpers Electricians and Electrician Helpers Linemen Laborera for ail depgrtmenta. C. Railroad Employment Office 7th Bt. Lincoln. Neb.
Railroad Retirement Board. 718 Bt. ONE man for work In feed plant. Good wagea. lime and for over time.
Ulll Feed Co. 2-S4S1. Part Time Workers And Vacationers Gooch Milling 3-2345 6th South. PRINTER wanted Permanent Job for linotype operator or combination floor work The Art Prlntery. Columbus, Neb Postwar Security In a business of your own.
Are you aggressive, adaptable to service station work and want a business which pays large pro fits now and after the war? A Skelly Oil company service sta tion is now available on a lease basis. For particulars See M. U. Sharp Skelly Oil Co. 409 So.
11th. SCHOOL BOY THIS PART TIME Job Is one that will pay your way thru high echoo! and col- lege. Hours are from 2 to I p. Monday thru Saturday. Any normally! healthy boy who la over Id can hndle this Job Sea Mr.
Graham, Mall Room foreman THE LINCOLN STAR USO Needs janitor. Apply to custodian UFO. U7 So. 13. WANTED at once High gchool commercial teacher.
Prefer man who can coach atbkrtica but will consider anyona quali-fted tn commerce. Good salary. Phone (collect) or write to Elmer Johnson, Sumner. Neb. WANTED Experienced mechanic and body men: Weal working conditions: good supervision will pay top salary coranuaatoQ.
Grant Motor Company. York. Neb. WANTED EXPER1DJCED FRUIT AND VEGETflBLE MAN Freadrich 1316 WANTED Manager for printing department. Must be capable of estimating Neat appearing and able Is do lay-out work.
Good salary and permanent poai-ttaa ta ngiit party. Box 3i Journal. uranes or smaii scaxis, xu wb, Journal 1 References. 639 Journal. Office preferred Box YOUNfJ woman wants position as receptionist In doctor's office and funeral office worlc Previous experience 2-3S97 Positions Wanted Men 56 TEACHER Veteran of present war wuhes ultlon In grade or Junior high, li ears experience 39 years or age.
Two ears college. Charles Clapp, 1414 all after 0 m. 2-tVi2t) TFTE surgery, trimming, transplanting. I4wn seeding fertilllir.g Evergreen earing 4-37. Business Opportunities 57 BARBER SHOP.
2-chair In Norfolk. for aale Prlcea 35 and 6b, good hours, good Write Poetoffica Box 605. Norfolk, Neb. FOR aale Cafe equipment for email cafe In county seat town of 2 ftou on highway 30. Good paying business.
Good reasons for selling Rose bchultx. 41S Central City.Neb. 14 ROOMS furniture for aaia Alao aell lease 13 Ho 23 Money to Loan 58 ALL TYPE8 LOANS- GENERAL -LOAN IIS 8oll OOHDR Mgr J-113 LOANS Easily Made and ConfidentiaL Call 2-1441 or See Us at 401 Stuart Bldf. ROSS P. CURTICE CO.
Need Cash? For Quick, Confidential Service Pe Capital Credit Co. "Family FUiAnce Counsellors." 1-1221. i 22 Stuart Bldg Cosh LOANS To help yorj over the bltl A FRIENDLY PLACE TO BORROW. F. R.
Huasong Finance Co. 1701 Fad Bee t-Jl HOUSEHOLD FIN ANCE CORP 2t0 Lincoln Liberty Ufa Bldg. Lisle Oraftt Mgr Phone rfnvi ei KOOmS Oleeping 62 143 Nice'y furnlaried sleeping room. I south expoaure. Permanent busineeaf woman.
1A44 Beautifully furnished sleepitigi room and Imngroom combine lion 3-2i37. GARFIELD 25 Double room, private home, bot water 3-7WS3. 1M1 Sleeping rooms. Private borne. telepbone evenings or Hunday.
PlsoO- Comfortable sleeping mom; clre tn: quiet. Gentleman preferred. 2-4SA9 QUE 2fi2A-Two adtoitiing rooms, clean, cnmforuble. priyate entrance. 229 NO.
17 Cool, -fean rooms. Reasonable. Waiting distance I HO 31 Tw.or.le rd nrtval Ib.m -'air conditjooed. 1308 go 14 Nice room duubla bed. Walking distanca 1440 8 Room ooupiea.
Large room; first floor, scenmrnodate 3 girla inl2 QUE Sleeping rooin cloea-tn. Cail J-VllS. 2045 So. 20 Attractive room, uuge ckaaet Prlvat hume, bus. I-4IXIX rolling, eery productive will.
200 acres ROOM house All modern Mi3 Ua.ser good pasture, bslance under plow. 170 'nquirs at Cottage Uni. Place. acres In com tnoking good, the corn ar-lD n'l erased li bushels last year. Extra welhtteal bStatS Wanted BJ improved, on good road and mall route.
Only 2. Vl per acre 251. cash, balance ling terms, kiw interest, lnspectu.n tn-1 vited. A LARUON. -The Land! Man." cntl-al Ctv.
Neh Phone A. I Npv.n, wi'irw MllO'in and Beatrice ml from highway 77 Ovrrer 3 77 JI i miles nonnsMi nr asn. Land, levei. no overflow, goed building. priced to aell.
535 miwtly Platte seisin land, ex cellent producer, some good pasture; good bulid.ngs, may Muscat smaller farm as part paymamt. A. larsca. Mil Bo. lSrth.
Omaha, Neb. Hartley, RAOdolpfe sa HbarUaa scoos district. S-MilL rr i.