The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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uneral Director 5 Drath Ssnttrrfi Drath Drath NnHrrfl uneral Parlors Klanke Control on Drugs COIAJAJBUS hus Cremation Service to Sleet Every Request (nee Rourke) be MARTENS THOMAS DANIELS 12512 Miles lDI 1 2515 AC 6 5149 8 Cemetery Lots Monuments Bratlj Nntirw Interment notice of Christ 2 pm Mj i I lei JlUfKclZlllv: VI 1 Ji 11 asked rQ lead their congrega j10mpS0n a truS(CC of fie SCIIULDT Data tnm US WIATNM iUMAU Taiiipaiivvm W7 Sbewere UHiB lurries LtlL Midwinter Utopia IMsryaWtfrsm ESS Weather Bureau at Clevelpnd Hoskins International Airport Stokes Hails Aid on Welfare 51 The meeting sponsored by WESTERN HEMISPHERE 55 60 16 17 OREIGN In Memorial to ARROW HouvlOTXiot 78 jock MHvdc Tv 4 44 aim a taiiv uy jjl xdii uuuja on conflict creatively 44 iiiiflniiioimmiiiiiiuwtiunimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigl mm ORECASTi 25 34 38 52 50 32 4280 will pm 34 42 44 61 46 54 66 74 75 5 68 fnmilv suogests contributions St Thomas Memorial und May 11814 Hamlen Ave wife of rank A Mov Sold beloved husband of devoted father of Mrs Berman of OheHiA I 60 84 79 80 85 53 32 73 be held Interment 21 42 34 45 19 44 30 45 43 32 54 34 41 resi Shak Olive Sells 6 LOTS in Crown Hill Memorial Twinsburg 942 2375 eves II 82 69 of Cincinnati Pri Thursdav Those contribute to The Stroud and Sons os 74 os $7 Wednesday at 1 pm suggests memorial Cancer und (nee Koschar) the late John Pauline Zodnik pm Ministerial held Thursday pm Interment Cemetery mother of Mrs Banas George sister of Mrs Kushlan Mrs Baron Joseph end Albert at The Merle Owen Son GL 1 2101 16019 Euclid of Noble Rd Those who wish to The Memorial Church of Christ (nee Cipra) VISITING PM Jan 27 at 5C HAIN DIALER MO WWH4SDAY JAN 25 196? Sunday late residence Detroit Ave of Wascana) amily will re fneads of The Nickels nome naw Moaison moss weanesaav NATIONAL SUMMARY MANY MIDWESTERN CITIES rem Missouri and Iowa to Illinois have been 9811 DENISON 281 7111 5618 BROADVIEW High Low oi 75 48 Masheter Sees More und Cuts COLUMBUS State High Memohls Mkj Beoch DC Mid Tex cv Mllwaukeecv Mpls St Pa Oneons cv Platte OkkJ City cv High Tamparo'uras fxpacud or Daytime Wdntday 7 7M 8rt Joni 24 be mnihffp Jean Burgess sister of to contractors at the bid open ing that additional cutbacks being indicated would total about $400 million nationally He said if they are made they i 1 1 practically eliminate federal aid bid letting through June SWENSON 5 Goto Swanson beloved wife of KLEIN Joseph Klein late Pittstwrph cv Raie ph PODia Giv CY Renos Richmond St Louis StPefeTomp SoltLokCity San Anton io cv San Dleatxv cv St Se Marie Seattie cy Shreveoort cv $ookonev Tucsa'i cv Wichita oc STANDIER Geneva Standifer of 1770 Delmont Ave wife of Loval mother of Raymond of Grafton Mrs Iva James Mrs Ellen Price and Mrs Vida Povne of Hutchinson Kan amily will receive friends WEDNESDAY 7 8 PM at The Strowder uneral Chopel 818 105th St Services Thursday Jan 26 at 11 am at The Morning Str Baptist Church 107th and St Clair Interment Saturday at Hutchinson Kan 7474 MENTOR AVE 12737 EUCLID AVE 4274 MAYIELD RD AT BELVOIR BLVD 291 2011 Teloucloolpa verocruz cy Colflorv Edmonton oc Montreol DC Regino Toronto Winnipeg cv Anchoroge cGoirbonkS junenu HortOlulu OC 0 HOURS 60 61 vuiu oeioveu wire or Gost EJ' mother pfiLeo Jan 25 1959: Bertii grandmcthAi of Linda Hn loving remembrance of our dear nnd Darin sister Aval rnricr kkAA4 faiRn rtnnAfAH Modrid PC Mollft rv Moscow Ports cv Rome cv Soipon cv Sofo cv Stockholffxv Tokvo Vienno WarsowY SCHAEER John Schaeffer beloved hus band of Helen father of Mrs: Jeannette Steiner grandfather of five brother of Mrs lorence Beinhoff and the late Norman Schaeffer Tuesday Jon 24 1967 His home was at 20845 Lorain Rd 'The family will receive friends at Chas Melbourne Sons 12737 Euclid Ave 2 4 AND 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY where services will be conducted Thursday Jan 26 at 1 pm rpsldenrp 6942 McKenzie Rd Olmsted oils beioved husband of Barbara (Neitenbach) dear father of Bar bara Wolf of Crossroads Mex Ethelyn Minnis and John broth er of Magdalena Kosman and the late Mathew and Michael amily will receive friends at Corrigan's airview Park uneral Home Lo rain Ave Ot 208th St (THURS DAY 3 5 AND 7 9 PM) where services will be held riday Jan 27 at 1:30 pm Please omit flowers KOPITTKE rank Kopittke beloved husband of Ida father of Ruth Buehner and Ralph Kope ar grandfather riends received 2 5 AND 7 9 PM at The Boswe I Jones Mort uary 13513 Euclid Ave Services Thursday Jan 26 at 1:30 pm Arrangements by Maixen Son SPRUNG lorence Sprung rof Willoughby wife of the late Paul moth er of Dorbthv Gower grand mother and great grandmother riends mov call at Davis neral Home 4154 Clark Ave Willoughby WEDNESDAY 8 9 PM where services will be held Thursday at 1 pm KALOCZY Ilona Kaloczv See Halboth KAMPS Celia Schmidt Kamos ape Ponderosa Lane Walnut husband father and grandfather who passed away eight years ago today: His memory forever will be held dear By those he left behind WiE DAUGHTER AND GRANDSON SCIIULDT Agatha Schuldt wife of George of Maple Heights beloved mother of Carol (Mrs Lyle K) Braund and Georgia Schuldt grandmother sister of George DeWalt and Lucille (Mrs Wil liam) Young vate services desiring may Heart und service BerHn cv tlrmingham russels Colro Cosabionco PC Copenhagen Dubiin cv Gtnevo London oG 1 The Ziehm Co 13633 Euclid GL 1 5722 Opposite orest Hills Blvd KATOSIC Ann Katosic (nee erlin) of 300 216th St beloved wife of ueorge aeoresi Thomas (Elaine) and Paul A Anthony (Mary) rank (Josephine) William rank PrlonrR mnv rnll Lake Shore uneral Home 17010 Lake Shore Blvd WEDNESDAY 7 10 PM THURSDAY 2 5 7 10 PM Solemn High uneral Moss riday Jan 27 at Holy Cross Church at 9 am Interment Cal vary Cemetery George Schuldt of 5218 Home wood Ave Maple Heights hus band of Agatha father of Car ol (Mrs Lvle K) Braund and Georgia Schuldt grandfather No visitation Private services Thurs day Those desiring may contrib ute 1o the Heart und Stroud and Sons service BarodWstji level) Ttvip (dry bu)t) Temp rwnwun Precifittc TEMPsI 3 6 om 9 am N' ORTIER Kenneth ortier oge 56 late residence 7486 River Rd Olmsted alls beloved husband of Una father ot David and Barbara son ot Nellie and Guv St John brother of Lewis ortier and Virginia Ba ker passed away Jan 23 The family will receive friends ROM 7:30 9 PM WEDNESDAY at The Baker uneral Home 206 ront St Berea Services at St Thomas Episcopal Church corner Bagley Rd and Seminary St Berea Thursday Jan 26 at 11 am The family suagests contributions to GULICK John Gulick beloved hus band of Kolhryn dearest father ol John Jr and Patricia dear son of the laie Michael and Ros oila deor brother of Mary Moll chok Stephen ond Helen Kozak oecr uncle and great unde riends will be 2 5 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY Ct The Mollchok uneral Home 2609 Uth St where services will be held Thursday Jan 26 at 8 30 a and at St Theodosius Co thedrol 733 Starkweather ot 9 a PARASTAS Wednesday ot 8:15 pm 84 1013 39 40 io 24 82 JASKIEWICZ (JASKE) Stanley Jasklewicz (Jaske) resi dence 4353 71st St beloved son of the late Albert and Mary dear brother of Lottie Buc Leo Laura Carl Anthony Edward ond Gertrude and rank ond John (de ceased) and dear uncle riends received at Komorowski uneral HOME 4105 71st St uneral Wednesday Jan 25 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 71st St at 9 am Burial Calvary Cem etery Medics Ask Stricter ance an estimated 3000 ministers Dole spoke on world food problems and Stokes on domestic vgslfare Stokes credited the clergy with the con science of the state legisla ture" to what he termed the and disheartening situation of more than 140000 of the its chil late be thA IntA John dear mother nf Marv Jesenovic Joseph and Victor and the late John and Edward grandmother of nine great grandmother of seven beloved aunt of rancis Parkinson Adolnh Rudan and Veronica Zuoancic amily will receive friends ot Corrigan's neM Horre nraln Ave at 148th St (WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 10 PMl uneral Mass Thurs day Jan 26 Annunciation Church 130th St at Bennington Ave at 9:30 am Interment Holy Cross Cemetery IIOLLERAN AnnA UAtlArnn loved wife of the late rank dear motner of Ruth Rose and Helen Cowser of Mich and Eileen Cow ley ond grandmother residence 23164 Marion Rd North Olmsted NO VISITATION Requiem Mass St Bernadette Church 2256 Clogue Rd Westlake Wednesday at 10 am Interment Holy Cross Cemetery Arrangements by Butler uneral Home AC 6 081 66 4 471 Abedreen cv 24 Amsterdam cv 34 Ankorg CY 63 Athens cC tues6ayldws 21 Butte and A 5rrwtn MAnl TUESDAY (rt DoHoj Old MoAUwi Texrf and 81 ot Tamoo ond ort vert lo JUNES Russell Georg? Jones of Mace donia beloved husband of Nellie father of Guv Mrs Joan Conners Catherine Mellndo Sherry ond grandfather son of George brother of Mrs Meta McGrath and Mrs Tillie Nordol lllo passed away Tuesday riends received 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 9 PM THURSDAY at The Donald lohnson uneral Home Hudson Services ri day Jan 27 1967 ot 1:30 pm Interment Crown Hill Cemetery KELLER August (Gus) Keller residence 3530 Boynton Rd beloved bus bond of Bernice (nee Reese) fa ther of June Matkovic Nancv Young August Keller and Marilyn Seekelv ond Lawrence (dneeased) brother of Natalie Witt (deceased) Rudy William of Arizona Otto of Chicago red (deceased) Elsie Wells and Wolter of California grandfather of 16 riends mav call at The Stanley Johnston uneral Home 15314 Macaulev Ave corner 152nd St ond Lake Shore Blvd where services win oe neia The family gifts to The hei) 6 0 AT STATED 55 3 Pm 54 1 6 Pm SA Al I AAldninht tA HighKt temperature Tuesday 61 Hghe9f 4emp some dote lost year 19 Lowest temperature Tuesday 54 Lowest temp wme dote last year 3 Deficit 1 193 Records this dote: HI! AND THURSDAY uneral Mass riday Jan 27 at St Church ot 9:30 am Interment Calvary Cemetery Lodre Notices RereiveJ Until 11 PM or Next Plain Dealer SANTIAGO rancisco Santiago late resi dence 3247 114th St beloved wife of rancisco devoted mother of Anna Berez Manuel grand mother and great grandmother sister of Moria Tuesday The family will receive friends ROM 3 5 7 10 PM ot The Martens uneral Home 9811 Denison Ave The uneral Moss Thursday Jan 26 St Ignatius Church Lorain at West Blvd at 10 am Inter ment Holy Cross Cemetery In the Center ol Grealer Cleveland West Side (OPPOSITE LAKEWOOD CITY HALL1 UNERAL SERHCES TO MEET EPERY NEED STRECKER Catherine Strecker devoted wife of the late Col Alexander Co beloved mother of Col Robert Strecker of US Army Betty 'ubaker of Leawood Kan ond Joanne Jelenis grandmother sis ter of Julia Bernard and Nettle Homer amily will receive friends 2 4 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY at The Louis Orlando uneral Home 29550 Euclid Ave where services will be held 1 om Thursday Jan 26 Rev Hugh Gowman off'Ciatina Eastern Star services 8 pm Wednesday Interment alnlew Cemetery Boston Heights Ohio Historical Society Mc Graw Hill Publication Co Kenneth Duckett past curator of the Ohio Historical Society and rancis Russell an his torian The New York Times had the suit transferred to ed eral Court on grounds of a diversity of statue citizenship and because the action against it was separate from other actions of the Harding is contesting the court change in that reasons given by the news paper as being untrue COLIJAJBUS The Ohio program for the first State Mvdical Association six months from $124 to $85 ond Dorln sister of Axel Cortson of Jomestown NY nmd San 23 riends nw coll WEDNESdov 2 5 AND 7 9 PM ot The A A Borman uneral Home 13124 Euclid Ave where services will held Thursday Jan 26 ot CARTER Ptrry Carter beloved hut band of Josephine (nee Petk) dear father of Perry Jr emd Noel grandfather of Ldura ond Brlon brother of Bert Carter of Louisiana Eva Cooper ond Edna Mitchell of Virginia resi dence 11820 Lake Ave The family will receive friends ROM 3 5 AND 79 PM WEDNESDAY ot Klanke uneral Parlors 12629 Detroit Ave Lakewnod where Masonic services will be held weanesaay 01 services will be Jan '26 at 1:30 La kt wood Park KROEGER Mae Kroeger (Moran) dear ly beloved wife of Harry dear mother of Mrs William McNally (Lals) Mrs William Bryan (Jeon) grandmother of six 14300 2064 ceive nrnl CiirtArni 25 St Clement Church 10 Member St Attar Rosary Society Interment Cross LANGER I nul I hAlnvprt fcbond pt Helen (Billie) Pointon (nee Bilton) father of lorence Crltchlow ond Raymond brother of Louise Hauser grand father of Sharon Critchlow( Betsv Katev ond Marv Langer amily will receive friends at The Wm Abel Sons Co uneral Home 15317 Euclid Ave corner Show Ministerial service Wednesday Jan 25 ot 2 pm Rev George Parsons officiating Interment Lake View Cemetery LAVDAS Gust Lovdas of 14050 Holland Rdr Brook Park formerly of 4402 Grantwood Dr beloved hus band of the late Crvsoula (nee Zouras) dear father of Peter end Evangeline Brooks of Dayton grandfather of Toni Brooks brother of Anthony ond George of Cleveland Irene Amoratis of Andros Greece Katherine Themi stokleaus Athens Greece andthe late Leonard and John riends may call ot The Yurch uneral Home 1111 airfield Ave THURSDAY 2 5 PM AND 7 10 PM AU services riday Jan 27 at the Greek Orthodox Church of The Annunciation 14th St at airfield Ave at 1:30 pm Try sagion Thursday evening Memo rials may be made to The An nunciation Building und LIGGINS Michael Liggins 3679 Strathavon beloved son of George ond Gloria Liggins brother of Patricia and Diane amily will receive friends WEDNESDAY 6:30 8:30 PM at Boyd Son uneral Home 2165 89th St where funeral services will be held Thursday at 10 am Norman Longabaugh beloveduncle of Daniel Stephen (Catherine) Daniel Thomas and Eugene Gettlnas Mrs Jen kins (Rita) John and Jean Mooney Sunday late residence 8024 Detroit Ave riends will be received at The Nickels uneral Home 14500 Madison Ave uneral Mass Wednesday Jan 25 St Col man enuren ai iu am Holy Cross Cemetery LORENZO Dorothy Ann Lorenzo a beloved daughter of Mrs Ave Jon am and Holy MERIDIAN LODGE NO 610 and A Brethren: You are re quested to attend Masonic services for our late Brother Perry Carter nn Wpfinpvinv Inn 9 1967 Gt The Klanke uneral Parlors 12629 Detroit Ave ot 8 pm CLIORD BECK PORERT RENKEL Sec 4 AREA Mostly cloudy and continued milds through tomorrow with scattered showers likely to morrow High today around 60 low near 50 An 809e chance of precipitation today 40 tonight IT RECOMMENDS strict control 'in manufacture and use no hallucinogen be administered except by a physician trained in its use that the public be made aware potential dangers and Mliat medical societies prepare educational material for physicians so the toxicity of the drugs can be readily recognized KX iwnu muuruainj or nw tycii i WEATHER Snow will be ths rule across the Rocky Mountain states through the Gerot Basin ond across the northern Platns Io lhe Great Lakes region Heavv snows will faii In the mountains of Utah Nevada and Arizona Showers ond htundershow storms will develop from the eastern Gerot Lakes through the Ohio Valley to the lower Misslsippl Valiev ond Texas Showers will continue along the West Coast Colder weather wilt overspread the Great Lakes states and the middle Misslsippl Valiev Warm conditions will continue In the Eastern Seaboard states TODAY'S ALMANAC Sun rises 7:45 am Sun sets 5:35 pm HALBOTH Helen Halboth (Ilona) (nee Kaloczv beloved wife of Gene dear daughter of John and Mary Kaloczv Dossed owoy sud denly al Brownsville Pa riends received at The Louis A Bodnar Son uneral Chapel 3929 Lorain Ave where services will be held Wednesday Jen 25th at 9:45 om and St Vincent De Paul Church Lorain Ave ond Berea Rd at 10:30 am Interment Holy Cross Cemetery Drath 3fattrni RUDIS Please see John Rauduve notice RUOCCHIO Josephine Ruocchlo (nee Bugllone) beloved wife of the late Joseph dear mother of Mrs Celeste Mor etto Silvana (Chubby) Alfred Jo seph Mrs Lucy Schmook ond Mrs Rosemary Travarco grandmother of 16 sister of Mrs Molly Arco lino Joseph Michael Salvatore and Samuel Sunday Jan 22 1967 amily will receive friends WEDNESDAY 2 4 AND 7 10 PM at The Wm A Nunn Son Inc uneral Home 2690 East Blvd (Opposite St Luke's Hospital) uneral Mass Thursday Jan 26 at St Dominic's Church Norwood and Van Aken Blvd at 10 am Attendant parking evenings million financial advis er Cecil Emmons explained backs being indicated in Washington could reduce riends mov coll at Brown or ward 17022 Choarln Blvd WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 PM wnere services Thursday at II am Crown Hill Cemetery RINGO Lullabv Ringo 3716 Lullobv Ringo 3716 146th St sister of Ambrose Tenoba Collier ond Lille Hormon nieces ond neohews amily will receive triends Thursday 7 9 pm at Bova 8 Son uneral Home 2165 89th St where funeral services will be held riday at 11 om ROCAWICH (Rajakovic) Marv Rocawlch beloved wife of Mike (deceased! devoted mother ot Morv Gutheridge of Washing ton Michael George (de ceased! Daniel Martha Nicolos (deceased) ond William of Chi cago III grandmother ond great grandmother passed awav Mon day fan 23 1967 late residence 4136 99th St riends received WEDNESDAY 2 5 AND 710 PM ot The McNamara unercl Home 9905 Mile' Ave uneral Thurs day ot 6:30 am Services a Lake LIhih nt am Interment Calvary melerv 2 pm Arnriitrw tRuiooo cv cv aolbermudo tx Hovano pc 50 Her moslllo pc cMexico Ctv 32 iMunlevideo PC JV NOUOU CV tt Son Juon PC 51 Kitts OC GREGORIC rank Gregorlc residence 6801 fork Ave beloved husband of Emily (nee Anfklewicz) deor father of Patricia Wolf Lorraine Margaret brother of John Louis (lorida) ond Mike (deceased) riends received ot Komorowski uneral Home 4105 71st St ROM 2 TO 10 PM WEDNES DAY uneral fhurs Mv 9 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 71s! St at 9 cm Burial Cal vary Cemetery BOURNE William A Bourne Jan 21 1967 In Reno Nev husband of the late Katherine (nee Kreher) fa ther of Theron Audrey Neu bacher Alger of Boulder Citv Nev and Comm William A in Vietnam grandfather ond great grandfather riends may call WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 9 PM al Cassidy Dillow Wood uneral Home 8969 Brecksville Rd (Rte 21) Brecksville where servies will be held Thuisaay Jan 26 at 3 pm BOYCE WEST Mostly cloudy and continued warm today with showers likely Highest today in the 60s Partly douy and continued warm tomorrow SUID Morris aerie Pet ei Ia Mrs Vivian Gordon of California ond Mrs Charlotte Greenhlatt brother of Abe Dave Mrs Morv Gordon and Mrs Mollie baum grandfather of six neral services Thursday Jan 26 at 2:30 pm at The Mfller uneral Chanel Inc 2770 Chq grin Biva amiiv ar me dence 3559 Gridlev Rd er Heights Interment Mt Cemetery Rabbi William man officiating SVOBODA Anna Svoboda (nee Novy) of 8397 Averv Rd Broadview Hts wife nf the late Thomas beloved mother of Angela Herold and the late Alfred the familv will re ceive friends ot The Donald A aulbaber uneral Home 7915 Broadview Rd (ot Sprague Rd) WDNSDAY 7 10 PM THURS: DAY 25 AND 7 10 PM uneral riday Jan 27 at 1:30 pm In ferment Riverside Cemetery Kuu Son uneral Home set vice LAUREL LODGE NO 657 and A Breth ren: Ministerial servicesfor our late brother John Gulick will be held at St Theodosius Cathedral Thursday Jan 26 ot 9 ALBERT LYNCH BOYD SR Sec BRAGG Herberto Brogg sister 6( the late Ethel Hutchings ount of Rob ert Hutchings Helen Mov Wash burn residence formerly of Lin coln' Ave Lakewood riends mav call at The Daniels uneral Home 15800 Detroit THURSDAY 2 4 7 9 where services will be held riday Jan 27 ot 2 om BROSSEK Plrosko Brossek late residence 4512 beloved wife of the KOENIG Angela Koenig? beloved wife of d8nr mother nf rieda Horney and the late John rank and Joseph grandmother ond qreat grandmother Jan 23 amily will receive friends at The Brickmon A Sons Euclid uneral Home 21900 Euclid Ave uneral Mass Wednesday Jan 25 at St Church (Chesterland) ot 10 am Interment Calvary Cem etery Member of Bund GROVER Clara Grover (nee Culliton) dearly beloved wife of John A dear sister of Leo ond the lote John Culliton suddenly Mon day Io! residence 2211 North land A Tre family will receive friend WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 9 PM ot The Nickels uneral Home 14500 Madison Ave uneral Mess Thurdsov Jon 26 at St Church ot 10 om Inter ment Holy Cross Cemetery KISZKAN Peter klszkaa beloved hus band of Mildred father of No reen Skullv Ruth Ristl and Bar bara Gens brother of Metro Klszkan of Canada grandfather of seven riends may call ot The Wells Kloss uneral Home 8806 tucna avc HOURS 2 4 AND 7 9 nerol services riday 10 am 66 DOLE TOLD the Ohio pas 2f tors their assistance and con 4 cern for the National Council 6 of World lunger program has been invaluable 3 The convocation concludes 4 today with its first address 4 ever by a Greek Orthodox leader the Rev John Ro manides of Haverhill Mass li1 and a talk by Dr Dan Dodson HORVATH Robert Horvath beloved hus band of Dorothy dear father of Rudy of New York grandfather of three residence 1761 Allendale riends may call ROM 2 4 AND 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY at The Monreal uneral Home 15132 44 Euclid Ave near Shaw Services ond Interment New York City DENMAN rances Denman (nee Logan) late residence 26364 Redwood Dr Olmsted alls beloved wife of Walter Sr mother of Michele Eileen and Walter Jr daugh ter of Howard Logan Sr sister of Gladys Bradler Roberta Halo Geraldine razer ond Howard Logan Jr riends mav call nt The Jenkins uneral Chnael 2914 Dover renter Rd Westlake WEDNESDAY 7 9 THURSDAY 2 4 7 9 where services will be held at 11 am riday Jan 27 80 136 reek Calif formerly of Cleveland Jan 20 1967 wife df Mai Henry Kamps (Ret) mother of Mrs Al berta Stanislaw (Cleveland) Mrs Virginia Gill (Walnut Creek Calif) Henry 'Karnos (Sharonville 0) John A Kamps (Walnut Creek Calif) sister of Joseph Schmidt Mrs Dorothy Beebe Phillips Schmidt and Samuel Schmidt (all of Cleveland grandmother of four Services Wednesday Jan 25 1967 at Ook Park Hills Chapel 3H1 Main St Walnut Creek Calif nt 12 noon Interment Golden Gale Na tional Cereerv Colma Calif KASHI Andrew Kashi late residence 4409 146th St beloved husband of Susan (Skubon) dear father of Betty Jane Salay Charles Andrew and rances Marie grandfather of eight brother of Anna Lawko John Michael Mary Stowickl Margaret Duffalo and the late Joseph The family will receive friends at Corrigan's uneral Home Lorain Ave ot 148th St (WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAV 3 5 AND 7 10 PM) uneral Mass riday Jan 27 Ascension Church 14040 Puritas Rd at 9 a In terment Holy Cross Cemetery Meas lrmberonre NormdirAberoture Exeredp thts mo to dote Accumulated excess since Jan 1 Total pregio 24 hrj ended 7 pm TEMPEIUT AlbanyNcv Amorlllwwt 60 Athvllle Atlantc 72 BHIIngj oc Blrm'hon' CV 73 Blsnxfr Bolse cv 38 Brown Yllie cv 28 CincionatKvrt 69 ColuTbU5QY 65 Delroitv El PoOT tY 6C Torn 08 Wrw eO GORDON William Gordon beloved husband of Gaynell father of Robert James Ernest John Lerov Dor othy King Josephine Vassar Ruth Mays Gaynell Harper Juanita Brownlee 22 grandchildren one great grandchild Passed awav at Highland View Hospital Satur day Jan 21 riends will be re ceived at Ball uneral Home Crawford and Wade Park 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY uneral Thursday 1:30 nm Mt Olive Baptist Church 3290 126th St Harding Contests Court Jurisdiction GRIEIN Hoiel Worden Griffin of W1I loughbv mother of Martha Horbath ond John grand mother and great grandmother sister of lorence Warden riends mov coll ot Davis unerol Home 4154 Clark Ave Wil loughbv WEDNESDAY 2 4 ANO 7 9 where services will be held Thursdav ot 2:30 nm Interment Loke View Ceme tery GRAJCAR (GRAYCAR) Michael Gralcar beloved husband of the late Mary dear father of Mike James Agnes Kusner grandfather of nine great grand father of one brother of Anna Smolko Barbara Kresner Vera Hornchuck Andrew (deceased) ond Mary Sokoiskv (deceased) riends mav call at the Kontur unerol Home 2969 East Blvd (South of Buckeye Rd) ROM 2 5 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY DOWNER Gertrude Downer (Sprague) late residence 1706 Canterbury Rd Westlake beloved wife of George dear mother of Ed ward and Robert of Balti more dear sister of thfe late Mabel Halliday amilv will re ceive friends at Corrigan's neral Home Lorain Ave at 148th St (WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 9 PM) where services will be held Thursdav Jon 26 at 1:30 pm Interment Lake View Ceme tery amily suggests contribu tions to the Heart und DUNEK Caroline Dunek (Seldowsky) be loved mother of Albert Sei dowski Karl Seidowskv Mar tha Guzav William A Seidowskv grandmother and great grand mother riends will be received ot The Kaufmann uneral Home 3305 25th St where services will be held Thursdav Jan 26 at 1 pm Interment Brooklyn Heights Cemetery Please omit flowers Memorials to Holy amilv Cancer Home will be gratefully acknowl edged KOWATCH John Kowatch late residence 24518 Bruce Rd beloved hus band ot the late Elizabeth (nee Kalbrunner father of Harvey and the late Ravmond and Howard grandfather of eight great ond father of six brother of 4 riends rrav call at The Jenkins ne al Chaeel 2914 Dover Center Rd Westlake 7 TO 9 PM WEDNESDAY where service will be held Thursday "Jan 26 at 2 pm Cloudy today with showers and tjar thundershowers Highest in the 50s north east and' 60s east and south Mostly cloudy torporrn with scattered showers and little temperature change WESTERN Mostly cloudy ISday with scattered showers High today 55 to 65 Mostly cloudy tomorrow little temperature change with showers likely HESS Arthur Hess late 6205 Anita Dr beloved husband of Rosemary (Waytko) dear fainer of Michael Timothy Daniel Thomas (nd Christopher brother of Walter James and the late Calvin The family will receive friends ot Corrigans uneral Home Lorain Ave at 143th St uneral Mass Wednesday Jan 25 St John Bos co Church 6560 Pearl Rd ot 10 am interment Holv Cross Ceme tery Member Cleveland Police Dept ECKSTEIN Evelyn Eckstein (Henson) late residence 3054 West 112th St be loved wife of rank dear mother of John Betty Penner George and David grandmother of three sister of Lillian Bayley amily will receive friends at Cor undal Home Lorain Ave at West 148th St where services will be held Jan 2a at 1:30 pm Interment Sunset Memorial Park 44 53 00 62 3 A4? tions in a moment of' silent prayer for the 2575 persons killed on Ohio streets and hlghwayrlast year I way Dffoptor Masheter said yesterday th a 1967 highway program al ready curtailed by federal cut backs is being threatened furthered speaking at the first df his 1967 bid said mor cut £ne) Beechuk grondmother of Richard Kolbe Donald Kolbe Mrs) Marllvn DiLoreto andThom as Beechuk also great grand mother of ten sister of the late Mrs Alma Bubert John and Ed ward The family will be present to receive their friends 2 4 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY ot Sauers uneral Home 4801 Memphis Ave where Rev Robert Smith will conduct services Thursday Jan 26 at 1 pm In r7t efcnLTunse Memorol Park ZrISLER Emil Zelsler dearly beloved husband of Esther Sally devoted fother Of Kenneth dear brother of Dave and Mrs Eva Atkins end dear grandfather of two Services of Berkowitz Kumln Inc Memo ral Chonel 1985 Tnvlor Rd Cleveland Heights Wednesday Jon 25 ot 11 am amily will receive friends at residence 3341 Warrensville Center Rd Apt 206 2 ELLAM Robert Ellam late residence 15309 Glencoe Ave beloved broth er of Margaret Tryon (deceased) Edward of West Palm Beach la Ruth Walsh and Marion Malaga rends received 3 5 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY at The Mullaly uneral Home 365 156th St (off Lake Shore Blvd) Ser vices 9:30 am Thursday at St Peter Church ELDMAN Bdruch A eldman residence 1557 Eddington Rd beloved hus band of Sarah (nee Gage) father Matthew eldman grand other of three brother of Dr Newton eldman Joseph I eldman of Son Diego Calif and Mrs Cecile Eisenberg Services at Cleveland Temple Memorial Euclid at 90th SI Thursdav Jon 26 at 12:30 noon Interment Lake View Cemetery Kindly omit flowers friends who wish mov contribute to the Cleveland Area Heart und through its committee on mental health yesterday adopfeh a resolution calling for strict regulation of hallu cinogen drugs including LSD The (rcolution pointed out that illicit or indiscriminate use of lhe drugs produce uncontrollable violence over whelming panic attempts or attempted suicide or homicide and can result among the un stable or those with pre exist ing neurosis or psychosis in severe illness demanding pro tractedjtays in mental hos pitals" SEIDEL William Et Seidel 78 years 1224 North Jacobv Rd Coplev Jan 23 husband of Clara father of An drew Of Lvndhurjt Wil liam of Akron grandfather of Patricia Ann Nancv Jean Bar bora Jean and Donald Andrew Seidel all of Lyndhurst Ser vices 1 pm Thursdav at The Bil low Akron Chanel 118 Ash St Akron where friends mav call 2 4 AND 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY Dr Reuben Schroer officiating In terment Mt Peace Cemetery Ak ron Memorials mav be made to the irst United Church of Christ of Akron SIMON Elmer Simon of 4289 131st St beloved husband of Gertrude nrninpr ti i imi Costello Dora Kane of California and Leonard riends received WEDNESDAY 7 10 PM AND 2 5 AND 7 10 PM THURSDAY at i ne HoraK runerai name 131st St where services be held riday Jan 27 at 1 SINKOVIC Slnkovic (Budan) residence 4645 130th St loved wife of the late Dorothy Ann Lorenzo oge 19 beloved daughter of Mrs Helen Lorenzo Unbehahn mother of Ronald William Norris sister of Kenneth beloved stepdaughter of George Unbehahn steoslster of John Unbehahn wife of Ron Norris riends may call ROM 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY 2 4 7 9 PM THURSDAY at The Silas Richards Son Lake Shore Home 15230 Loke Shore Blvd where services will be held riday at 10 om LYONS Eugene Lyons 4223 Cleveland Massillon Rd West Richfield be loved husband of Kitte (nee Kirk) father of Lois Ann Davis Thomas Virginia Sayre and Tlmott of California and Anthony Michael and Theodor of West Richfield riends mav call WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 10 PM ot The Cos sidy Dillow Wood uneral Home 8969 Brecksville Rd (Rt 21) Brecksville uneral services Thursdav Jan 26 Richfield UnHed unuren MAY Eva sister of Louise Wolhgemann of California and Dora Simmons of Akron Monday Jan 23 riends received WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 9 PM at The Ziehm Co uneral Home 13633 Euclid Ave at orest Hills Blvd Services will be held at Our Lady of Peace Church Buckingham Thurs day Jan 26 at 9:30 am MEYERS Mary A Meyers (nee Cuenl) be loved wife of the late William dear mother of Joseph Schwering of California Mrs Rose Trebec Edward and the late Mrs Mary Ann LaBant grandmother of nine great grandmother of five sister of Catherine Cuenl and Joe sud denly Sunday Jan 22 1967 her home was at 15608 Corsica Ave amilv will receive friends WEDNESDAY 2 4 AND 7 9 PM at The Mahon Murphy uneral Home 13201 Euclid Ave (Amole parking in rear) uneral Mass Thursdav Jan 26 St Jerome's Church 15000 Lake Shore Blvd at 11 am MEZZULO Tony Mezzulo beloved husband of Matilda father of Louis Ralph Patricia Geschke David Nancy and Grea stepfather of Richard Schultz son of Mrs Angelina Mez zulo brother of Isabelle Bellisario Pat Catherine Mossi rank Jen nie Ducato Mary Mover Ann Karr and Joseph and grandfather late residence 4802 Torrington Rd amilv will receive friends at The Ripepi Parma uneral Home 5762 Pearl Rd (at Snow Rd) where services will he held Wednesday Jan 25 at 9:30 am Margaret Mlsch beloved sister of George Mrs Genevieve Galavda Mrs Dorothy Hopkins and the late Mildred Wellhausen riends received at The Joseph Schulte South Euclid uneral Home 4090 Mayfield Rd (east of Noble Rd) uneral Mass Christ the Kina Church 1862 Noble Rd Wednesday Jan 25 ot 9:30 am MOLLICA Carmelo Mollica please see Tras sare notice NORRIS Dorothy Ann Norris Please see Lorenzo notice Daniel late residence 75 Crosby Ave Berea beloved husband of Mildred (Kurtz) dear brother ot Catherine DiNovo ond Marv Yates amilv will receive friends at uneral Home Lorain Ave a1 148lh St WEDNESDAY 7 TO 10 PM THURSDAY 3 TO 5 AND 7 TO 10 PM uneral Moss riday Jan 27 St Church 250 Kraft St Berea 9:30 am In terment Colvarv Cemetery amily suggests contributions to the Cancer Society PETERS Mary A Peters oge 96 resi dence 10300 Burton Ave Brate nahl beloved wife of the late Jo seph dear mother of Hilda Ehrensberger lorence lnkler Laura Brenner (deceased) May Vorndran John sister of Mrs Jenny Beckner grandmother of 11 great grandmother of 42 riends mav call at The Lawrence McMahon uneral Home 38001 Euclid Ave Willoughby WEDNESDAY 7 9 PM THURS DAY 2 4 AND 7 9 PM uneral Moss riday Jon 27 at 9:30 am at Immaculate Conception Church Interment All Souls Cemetery RABNICK Idele Rabnlck 3558 Severn Rd Cleveland Heights beloved wife of Mever devoted mother of Jerold Rae Rita riedman and Bette Ross dear sister of Mitchell Por ris of Miami Beach and Max Por ris loving grandmother of six Services ot Berkowitz Kumin Inc Memorial Chapel 1985 Taylor Rd Cleveland Heights Thursday Jan 26 at 1 om Interment Pork Synagogue Cemetery amily at the residence of Mr and Mrs jerold Rabnlck 24213 Woodway Rd Beachwood RAUDUVE John Rauduve 5578 SOM Center Rd Willoughby formerly of Kelso Ave beloved husband of Natalie (nee Zills) brother of Peter of Lithuania riends mav call at The Grdina Lake Shore unerdl Home 17010 Lake Shore Blvd WEDNESDAY 2 10 PM where services will be held Thursday Jan 26 at 1 Pm Interment £noltwood Cemetery RENO Adolphe Reno beloved hus band of Edna (nee Skees) father of Esq Edward Mrs Marv Ann Thomas (Robert E) of Srott brother oi Mrs lorence Over of Pitts burgh Pa late residence 3401 Clarendon Rd Cleveland Hts riends mov call at Brown or CORRELL Jessie Correll ount of six nephews ond four nieces Sun dov Jon '22 1967 Her home was ot The Alcazar Hotel Me morlnt services will be con ducted ot Chas Melbourne 8 Sons 12737 Euclid Ave Thurs day Jon 26 ot 8 pm Please omit powers mov contribute und ol orest Scientist (nee Jot'ab Gravton Rd Ini Rudnlnh dear mother of Mrs Ellv Deok and Mrs Plrv Veress sister of Mrs Eugene Roedloer and Mrs John Istvar both of Eurooe grand mother and great grandmother riends mav call WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 10 PM at The Louis A Bodnar Son unerol Chooel 3929 Lorain Ave where services will be held Thursdav Jan 26 ot 9 30 am and at St Emerlc Church ot 10 a Interment Holv Cross Cemetery BROUGHTON Katherine Broughton aoe 72 wife of the late Georae survived bv brother Adam Emmerich of Henrietta Services Thursdav at 2 at The Emmerlch Hemoel uneral Home Amherst where friends mav call Burial Birming ham Cemeterv COLUMBUS Court jurisdiction has been ques tioned in ederal Court here in a million suit involving publication of letters written by the late President Warren Harding to Mrs Carrie Phillips of Marion Dr George Harding a nephew of the late president charged in the original action filed here in 1964 In Common Pleas Court that publication of the letters was a violation of compion law copyright and caused great financial damage great humiliation and embarrassment to the Harding Defendants include the New' York Times the American Heritage magazine Glenn DEVINNEY John Devlnnev (Jack) beloved son of Elizabeth Devinnev dear brother of Mrs Robert Smith passed awav Monday Jan 23 Graveside services and burial ot Colvarv Cemeterv In Consho hocken Pa Please omit flowers Contributions may be made to the Cleveland Chapter of The Pro fessional Horsem*n Assoc 0 IRES AT OTHER CITIES 0 LOW louis Bovce of 28630 orest Rd in Willowick dearly beloved husband of Catherine (nee Cer bora) dear son of rank (de ceased) and Caroline (nee Greg orlc) Boyce brother of Caroline Zabukovec (deceased) rank Boyce Mary Bovce (deceased) jean abian rances Zgonc Jo seph Bovce and Alice Bovce riends may call ot The Grdina Lake Shore uneral Home 17010 Lake Shore Blvd WEDNESDAY 7 10 PM THURSDAY 2 5 7 10 PM uneral Mass at St Marv Magdalene Church on Vine St riday at 10 am Interment All Souls Cemeterv Member of American Legion Post No 7 DATA TUESDAY JAN 24 1447 a hi i am pm 3012 30 10 5oQS DeCAPITE Anthony DeCoolte beloved hus band ol Ernestine (nee Piscopo) dear (other of Ronald Gene Rich ard and Kathy dear son of Ceslra of California and Vincenzo (deceased! dear brother of Mrs Connie Derondsco of California Domenlc of California Ted (de ceased) Mrs Ann Stella of California Victor (deceased) Burt Mrs Leatrlce Lea of Cali fornia Vincent ond grandfather The family will receive friends WEDNESDAY 2 5 AND 710 PMj ot The DICIcco Sons Mayfield Heights uneral Home 5975 May field Rd (west ot Lander Rd) where services will be held Thurs day Jon 26 at 10 am Interment Calvary Cemeterv KACAR rank Kacar Sr oge 71 of 1231 Addison Rd beloved husband of Gertrude dear father of rank Jr Gertrude Kristof Leo ond grandfather uneral Thursdav 10 om ot The Zak uneral Home 6016 St Clair Ave HOURS WEDNESDAY 1 10 PM Churches to Hold Safety Sabbath Dealer Special CdLUhtBUS Safety Sab will be observed statewide in churches and synagogues this weekend by decree Gov Janies A Rhodes Religious leaders were 1 iL UNERAL DIRECTORS Emil Klanke Harold Klanke John Strand 12629 Detroit Ave AC 6 8058 CAMJNO Philomena Camino wife of the late Nick mother of Corl Anthony ond Mrs Mary Jane DISalvo grondmother ond great Grandmother riends mav call ot The Gottozzi uneral Home 1M11 St Clair Ave WDNSDAY ROM 7 10 PM AND THURS DAY 2 5 7 10 PM Time ond place of service later CARLSON Bessie Carlson age 76 of Eastlake formerly of Cleveland beloved wife of the late Gustav deor mother of Mrs Ernest (Jeon) Bacon Mrs Victor (Alice) Subark Keith A and G'istav grandmother ond great grand mother The family wi'l receive Mends 2 4 AND 7 9 PM WEDNES DAY ot The Brunner uneral Pome 8466 Mentor Ave (Rt 20)Mentor where services will be held 11 a Thursday Drsifr Gattos RereneJ Until 11 PM Htxt Day Plttn Dtaltr ANTHONY Teno A Anthony beloved wife of the late Ross mother of Mrs Richard Johnson (Odetta) Clarence of Canton ond the late Mildred errell sister of Mrs Arthdr Arner of Canton and grandmother residence 10017 Lake Ave riends mav coll WEDNESDAY 79 PM at The Zeis uneral Home I61Q5 Detroit Service ond Interment Akron Thursday am BAER John Boer beloved uncle of John Wyckoff Mrs Patricia Clayton Mrs Amanda Betz ner riends received at lhe Joseph Schulte South Euclid funeral Home 4090 Mayfield Rdost of Noole Rd where service will be conducted Wednesday Jan 25 at 2 BECKMAN Mgry Beckman wilt of th lai Charles beloved mother of May nard groodtother of Morllyn ond Carl sister of Mrs Dorothy Parker and Mrs Luella Klnk eloar passed away Sunday Jan 22 1967 Her home was at 14517 Ardenoll Ave The family will receive friends ot Chas Melbourne Sons 12737 Euclid Ave where services will be conducted Wednes day Jon 25 ot 1 pm baUmgaiItner rank Baumgartner age 70 of 8925 airmount Rd Novelty be loved husbond of Emma (nee ril houf) father of rank ond Eisle Ruth Arvllta ond James Jane Glchenko and th late Betty Momorts grandfather of 17 greal grondfather of one brother of Emmo Sedlvy riends received ot Stroud uneral Home 95 ranklin Chagrin alls Services Wednesday Jan 25 at I nm Those desiring many contribute to the Cancer und BEIIREND Otto A Behrend ot St Peters burg lo formerly of 3164 116th St beloved husband of the lole Nellie (Sylvester) deor father of Glodvs Norwood of Ni ogara tolls brother of Emlhe Kubow of Hawthorne Cali! Clara Buehnlng ot Port Clinton Ernst of Avon Loke Olga Rouscher of Cleveland Edward of San Gabriel Calif and lhe late Ella Wolff of Ingie wood Collf amily will receive friends ot unerol Home Loroln Ave ct 148th Street WEDNESDAY MO PM where services will be held Thurs day Jon 26 at 11 a Interment Lakewood Park Cemeterv BELL Elizabeth Bell (nee Chemi) resi dence 7605 Aberdeen beloved mother of rank daughter of the late Cvrtl Chernl ond Julia Pavlik lister of Marie Rutensky John Chernl Margaret Schott Helen Pavlik and the late Stephen Chernl aunt of 15 great aunt of 28 riends mav call ot The Marek unerol Home 5040 Broad way uneral Moss al Si rancis Church Wednesday Jon 25 ot 9:30 Interment Calvary Cemetery BLASER Walton Blaser befeved hus band ol Mary (nee Lengel) father of John Walton Keith Susan Cathy son of Emma ond lhe late John brother of Eugene John Joseph Barbara Sister John Mary cl Ursuline Or der Mrs Mar orle Krupanskv Mrs Carolyn Elliott ond the late Williom Blaser riends received ot The Joseph Schulte Lynd hurst uneral Home 5244 Mayfield Rd (east of Richmond Rd) neral Mass Church of St Clare 5659 Mayfield Rd Wednesday Jon 25 at 9:30 am KRAIZEL Helen Hoagfond Krolzel for merly of 1569 Wooster Rd Rocky River dear mother of Joseph Mrs Wayne A Bell grandmother of four sister of Joseph Hoag land Memorial services at Rocky River Methodist Church Saturday Jan 28 ot 4 Dm Please omit flowers Contributions may be made to the Concer und KRIEGER Herbert Krieger residence 23808 Russell Rd beloved hus band of Stella (nee OuaHotto) dear father of lames brother of Carl Walter ond Edward Krieger Monday om riends may call at Chas A uneral Home 1M80 Trlskctt Rd ot lorcin Ave Seice Wednes day Jan 2C ot 11 om ot St Lutheran Church Elton Ave KRISTANCIC Mnry Krlstandc (nee Mourclc) beloved wife of the late Auoust dear motrer of Oloa Mourcic Rose Von AIL Auoust Marv Steoic ond rank ond grandmother riends mav call ot The Schuster iHteral Home 5300 Denison Ave ROM 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY 2 5 ANO MO PJlt THURSDAY unerol riday Jan 27 ot St Bonifoee Lthurch ct 9:30 am In terment Ivarv Cemeterv GAINES Georae Gnlnec Himtshtira beloved husband of Elizabeth (nee Savage) father of LeRov of Cleveland Harold of Chardon Marlon of Eldorado Kan and James of Huntsburg brother of Mrs Myrtle Weddle of Havanna III and grandfather and great grandfather riends received at Russell uneral Home Middle field WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 7 9 PM where ser vices will be held riday Jan 27 at 3 nm Interment Hunts burg Cemetery COLUMBUS (JB State Rep Carl Stokes 44 Cleve land and US Rep Robert Dole Kan congratulated Ohio elerev last nteht on two different fronts at the 48th Ohio convocation RECORD HEAT SPREAD over T3 'imiv nvu ni(5uuii iu rwijv ivur i setts Subzero temperatures were oenerol the OhlO COUHCU OI ChUTClieS the northern Piolns A A a major pacific storm swept in attracted its largest attend lond ocross the mountains of the West TRASSARE (MOLLICA) Carmela Trassare )nee La Monaca) of 9917 Prince Ave beloved wife of Tom dearest mother of Josephine Diranco Marie Amato Nick Mollica Jo seph Mollica Sam Mollica (de ceased) ond Antoinette Rlcksgers of Detroit Mich dear grand mother and great grandmother entered Into rest Jan 22 riends received at The Joseph Vito uneral Home 6130 Turney Rd Services Thursdav Jan 26 at the Church of The Nativity BVM at 9 am Interment Calvary Ceme terv VISITING HOURS 2 5 AND 7 10 PM TROIETTO Albert A Troletto of 9006 Jeffries Ave beloved husband of av (nee Amari) dear father of Albert and John (deceased) one brother and four sisters in Italy riends mav call at The Rybicki Son uneral Home 4640 Turney Rd where services will be held Thursday Jan 26 at 9:30 am and SS Peter and Paul Church Turney Rd at 10 am VISITING HOURS 2 10 PM TROPIANO rank Tropiano beloved husband of the late Catherine dear father of Angelo Clara Don and the late Joe grandfather and great grand father uneral riday Jan 27 Holv Rosary Church at 9:30 am VISITING HOURS WEDNESDAY 7 10 PM THURSDAY 3 5 AND 7 10 PM at The rank Conti uneral Home 2110 Murray Hill Rd TURNER Mary Grace Turner dear friend of Greta Predict residence 2049 Cornell' Rd riends received ot The Boswell Jones Mortuary 13613 Euclid Avenue at orest Hill vd at time of service only Services on Wednesday 11 am Dr Kenneth Shafer officiating Interment Ionia Mich UVEGES John Uveges age 78 beloved husband of Margaret father of John A Louis Williom and Robert grandfather of seven passed awav Monday late residence Columbia Road Olm sted alls riends mav cad ROM 2 4 AND 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY at Baker uneral Home Berea where services will be held Thursday Jan 26 at 1:30 Om Interment Sunset Memorial Park VAN OST Jane Van Ost beloved daugh ter of Helen (nee riendship) and the late Kenneth sister of the late Corp Kenneth Jon 23 riends mav call at The Brown orward uneral Home 17022 Chagrin Blvd Shaker Heights WEDNESDAY 3 5 7 9 PM where services will be held Thursdav at 1:30 pm Interment Lake View cemeierv VOLK Rose Volk (nee Hrabanek) rovea wire qt tmn Mrs Bertha Rosser and the late Barney and William grandmoth er of Laurel Ann residence 4313 126th St riends may call at Thomas uneral Home 12512 Mlles Ave Services Wednes day Jan 25 at 1 pm WAITE Andrew Waite husbond of the late Dora beloved father of Mrs Kllllus (Arlene) ond Mrs Swon (Dorothy) of Boulder Colo grandfather of five great grandfather of 13 brother of Mrs Blanche Casper of Anna III passed owav Jan 23 In ort Myers la residence 21465 De troit Rd riends received 3 5 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY ot The Saxton uneral Home 13215 De troit Ave where services will be held Thursday Jon 26 at 1:30 pm Interment Sunset Memorial Park Memorials may be sent to the Heart und WOJDACZ Anna Woidacz residence 1731 Holmden Ave beloved wife of John dear mother of Josephine Biesiada Katherine Podulka Marv Ann Jaros Julianna Si rochman and the late George grandmother and great grand mother sister of Joseoh Ciom cla uneral services Wednesday Jan 25 ot St John Cantlus Church at 9 am riends may call 2 TO 5 AND 7 TO 10 PM at The A Tomon Sons uneral Home 4772 Pearl Rd WOODBURY Alvin Woodbury age 93 years late residence 1018 Wtilttlesav Lbne Rocky River beloved husband of the late Mercv (nee Smith) father of Richard and Mrs rances Lohr brother of Mrs Effie Skalickv grandfather and great grandfather riends mav coll ROM 3 5 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY at The Paul Long uneral Home 12610 Wood land Ave list street North Shaker Sauare) where Heights Lodge No 633 A will conduct ser vices Wednesday Jan 25 at 8 pm Ministerial services will be held Thursdav Jan 26 at 2 pm Interment Knollwood Cemeterv YOUNGMAN Elsie A Youngman (nee Koch) age 81 passed owav early fues I day morning late residence 7410 Dorothy Avc Parma beloved wife of the lote George dearest mother of Mrs Michael (Ar Bow Hospitalized for 'Three Weeks Plain Dealer Bureau WASHINGTON US Rep rank Bow 16 of Can ton 'Wlyjr suffered a mild heart attackMonday will be con fined' to het hesda Naval Hos pital fog (lu ee weeks office said yesterday I I I I AC' ix YA A 1 1 b'ii I I 1 31 fl Are Avm Per Ar 43 ri a 3040 I 4 as Cr 1 J7 4 am KAI xfl i Mi I svi fw 1 a i i Jf raifpuii? I 3 It Ha) in IV ft (UjiH I I o'dU 3oo I i Cia 1 1 i oaasah (I esv Ju 'su iz fc 4 i (I I j' Airs I i T3A7! i itrohdn I VTJT 4 aea3 I A JS Hvniluon 3 ntmchTv A 60'9119 i SpsOJJA S' i 1 IAJ 4 I 8 I 4 xi avsI lab 1 Sst0 COHO I i I nn XPDld I 1 fpptnn i snow 11 Ybnunn i yinn i trO 1m Jy io UDO Uss! iW iMtal jg 5 linnoP IHH u(Lni? I oiiondj iOl Os 3 vino '510 eot MW IJS RI'UATQ Mill llllll VftOJG OS Mgig I Ml esp ib4 lli 1 IS 3 a nn HH EKOr'i Illi 'TBapwwdi4a ifll fc 3 8 61 1 I sM i I 1 ORECAST I 13.

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.